Chapter 5

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Wendy was excited when the cake came. We all helped her open presents and then started to eat the cake. Wendy sat in her tio Ryan's lap and was eating cake while Ryan was eating some tacos.

"I love you Tio," Wendy says before shoving cake into her mouth with her hand. Ryan looks at her and smiles shaking his head.

"I love you too kiddo," he says giving her kiss on her head which makes her giggle. After a while we were all sitting around the table. Wendy was still in Ryan's lap as he leaned back into his chair.

"Tio? Are you and Tia married? Papa and Mama are," Wendy says. He looks down at her and smiles.

"Yes, we are married. We have been married for longer than your parents have," he says thoughtfully. No way in the world did I deserve this man.

Her eyes widen and she sits up in his lap, "How long?"

"Nine years," I say to her.

"That's a lot," she says nodding her head. Ryan chuckles and Carlos walks over to me wanting love. I could tell he was jealous that Wendy had gotten a lot of attention today. Little kids at the daycare never could quite comprehend why the birthday kid always got a ton of attention.

I giggle at him as he starts dozing off. He was having a sugar crash. Jose plays some music and Leila's parents get up to start dancing. I look down at Carlos to see him watching them, "You want to dance with me, Carlos?" He nods and I put him on my hip and we join Leila's parents. I softly sway him until he fell asleep.

Jose comes over and takes him from me, "Mijo, you can't sleep on pretty women like that. They expect a lot out of you."

I laugh and see that Wendy was dozing off while Ryan was dancing with her. I walk over and she watches me not moving her head.

She nuzzles her face a little more into Ryan's chest. I lean towards her smiling, "Happy Birthday, princess."

She smiles tiredly, "Gracias Tia."

I smile and kiss her cheek then get swept away from Jose. All the older women squeal as the two of us dance.

"If you think we are good you should see when she's with her husband," he says. I laugh and was twirled into Ryan's arms. Ryan pulls me in close and we dance for a little while whispering here and there.

Everyone squeals and Jose whistles. I pull away and laugh well aware that Ryan was watching my every move.

He sighs, "I need to go home. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nod and walk him to his truck. He looks down at me with a devilish smile, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I smile back and nod my head. Without a kiss goodbye he drives off. And I felt like I was further away from him than I was while in Norway.

I lay in bed trying to sort out my head.

I will never deserve him. Everyone in my entire life will make sure that I know that.

But I love him. And for some odd reason, maybe about a million miracles, the same wish on ten different shooting stars, a four leaf clover, wishing on birthday candles, a wish every time I catch the clock at 11:11 A.M. (cause military time is a thing), wishing on every fountain I pass, and making a wish every damn time a lady bug lands on me; every wish counted because he still loves me.

Even when he shouldn't.

Especially, when I shouldn't.

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