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Close: adj. - a short distance away or apart in space or time

(definition from google)

This is a very short story with four time jumps.

So the layout may be confusing if you are a reader that skips chapters because you're too eager or a part got boring (don't be ashamed because I do it).

When you look at the table of contents there will be multiple chapter 1's. NO THEY ARE NOT REPEATS.

Every chapter 1 is the start of every time jump. So there will be four chapter 1's. But different parts of the story line. I will "set the stage" at every chapter 1.

The story line is in the right order of how I written it (it's also because it works better). There is a reason why I wrote it the way I did and that is:

Because I'm a stupid cheesy romantic (Sorry but not sorry but sorry).

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