Day 31

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The clouds were a mess of dark and light. I waited outside my apartment. The days were getting progressively colder. Tae wasn't there yet, he hadn't texted that he wouldn't be here or anything. I waited for a while.
The sky was starting fade when he finally appeared. He looked absolutely exhausted.
"Tae, what took you so long. I was worried about you."
"I'm sorry. Lets go."
He grabbed my hand and started walking.
His palm was cold and sweaty. His face was pale too.
"Tae," I stopped him. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"Tae." I reached up and felt his forehead, It was hot.
"I got you sick Tae, why didn't you stay home?"
"It's not a big deal, I'm fine."
"No you're not."
"I didn't want to miss you."
"Oh, Tae." I hugged him around the middle. "Come on." I told him, pulling him back to my apartment. I took him inside and made him lay down on the couch. I covered him in warm blankets and left him there. I ran to our spot to take the picture and ran back, probably just as he had done two nights before. I reached my apartment and opened my door.
Tae was asleep in a cocoon of fuzzy blankets. I would have called Jimin to figure out what to do but I didn't have his number. I made some tea in case he woke up. I went and sat down next to the couch his hand was on top of the covers so I took it, it was so cold, I wonder if that's how my hands had felt when he was taking care of me. I held his hand with one hand and stroked his soft hair with my other. I studied his adorable sleeping face. I focused on his lips, they looked so soft. I wanted to lean in and kiss him right there but I stopped myself. I let go of his hand and went to the kitchen. I made myself some dinner. I had some set aside if he woke up.
Tae's phone started ringing while I was eating. I went and looked for it, I didn't want him to be disturbed. He kept sleeping though. I found his phone, Hoseok was calling him.
I answered it.
"Hobi, this is (y/n)."
"Hey, (y/n). Where is Taehyung? He hasn't been answering our texts."
"He came to meet me about two hours ago, he is really sick. I told him he should have stayed home. I took him to my apartment to rest and he fell asleep. I would have called one of you guys but I didn't have your number."
"He's still asleep?"
"Yeah, he's really sick. He's all cold, I'm really worried about him."
"We'll be over soon to get him, what's your address."
I told him, I actually didn't want Tae to leave. I would have loved to take care of him, like he had taken care of me. Hobi said he, Jin and Jimin would be over soon to get him. I hung up the phone.
"Who was that?" Tae asked, scaring me.
"Tae! You're awake!"
"Yeah, who was that on the phone?"
I sat next to him on the floor, Tae was cuddled in blankets. He looked adorable.
"That was Hobi, the guys were worried about you. They will be here to get you in a little while."
"Oh." He seemed a little disappointed at the prospect of leaving.
"What is it?"
"Then why are you acting like this?"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come."
"Oh Tae, it's okay."
I laid my cheek on his chest.
"To be honest, I was hoping to get cuddles, since I'm sick and all. I was hoping you would feel sorry for me." He said with a silly tired smile.
"Why didn't you just ask." I said.
"Come here." He told me.
I crawled under the covers next to him. He pulled me close to him, he was sick but he was still strong. We cuddled for a while until I heard a knock at the door. Tae groaned. I got up with great difficulty, Tae didn't want to let me get up. I got up and opened the door to Hobi, Jimin and Jin.
"Where is the fool ?" Jimin questioned.
"Here." Tae spike up from the pile of blankets.
"Do I smell food?" Jin asked.
"Uh yeah, there is some in the kitchen if you want it." I told him.
He rushed off to the kitchen.
"Wow your a good cook (y/n)." Jin said with his mouth full.
"Thanks jin!"
Me and Jin chatted about our interest of cooking for a while.
"Nooo." Tae yelled at Jimin.
Me and jin stopped in our conversation.
"Come on Taehyung!" Jimin yelled at him.
I ran back into the living room to find Jimin pulling Tae off the couch by his feet while Tae held onto the couch.
"Jimin! Come on he doesn't feel good." I yelled at Jimin.
Jimin let go of Tae's feet, which smacked the floor painfully.
"Ouch." Tae said as he crawled back into the blanket covered couch. "(Y/n)! He hurt me!"
"Tae don't be such a baby." I told him, patting his head.
He made a pouty face at me and hid under the blankets.
"Well what do we do with him?" Hobi asked.
"Come on Taehyung, time to go home." Jin patted Tae on his blanket hidden back.
"I don't wanna!" Tae's yelling was muffled by blankets.
"You're sick, we gotta bring you home Tae." Hobi reasoned.
I crouched down next to Tae and lifted the blanket to see his adorable face.
"Tae you should get home, what can I do that will make you go home?"
Tae thought for a minute.
"Will you come with me?" He asked mischievously.
I looked up at the other guys.
"Yeah! Come with us. We can show you around our place." Jimin said happily.
Hobi and Jin nodded in agreement.
"Okay Tae I'll come with you." I told him. He smiled wildly and quickly kissed the tip of my nose, making me jump.
The four of us got Tae into the car that they had drove here. I sat in the back with Tae, I buckled him in and he immediately flopped his head over into my lap and fell asleep. It was a short drive to their apartment. It was about 9:00 when we got there. I poked Tae to wake him up. We got out of the car that Jin took to go park. It was a really fancy building that they lived in, it made my place look like a dump.
Tae held onto my hand all the way up to their room. He seemed to be getting a little dizzy.
We went to Tae, Jimin and jungkook's apartment. Hobi and Jimin were basically carrying Tae at this point. He had almost fallen over several times.
Jungkook greeted us by saying. "What the hell!"
"Hi jungkook!" I said.
"Hey! (Y/n) what a surprise. Tae looks drunk."
"No he's just sick." Hobi said. We went to Tae's room and flopped him on his bed. He looked very pale and dizzy. I sat down on the bed next to him.
"How are you feeling Tae?" I asked.
He weakly smiled in response.
I made an aww noise and messed with his hair.
"We'll leave you guys alone then." Jimin said shutting the door behind him and Hobi.
"They know I like you." Tae said sleepily. "I told them almost everything about you."
"Oh, okay."
I moved my hand from his hair to his cheek, I stroked it with my thumb. There I was fixated on his lips again. I involuntarily leaned in slightly.
"Are you gonna kiss me?" Tae asked.
"Uh." Was all I could say.
"Cause don't, I have a scenario all planned out for our first kiss and it does not involve me being sick."
I was in stunned silence.
"Don't worry I'll get to it soon, I have it all planned out so don't go kissing me out of nowhere and ruining the surprise."
I stayed silent.
"What? Don't you want to kiss me?" He asked plainly.
"Well yeah uh, I mean," I stumbled over my words.
He giggled.
"I'm gonna get you some water." I told him as an excuse to leave the room.
I shut the door behind me. All the guys looked up. Namjoon, yoongi, and Jin had come in while I was with Tae. Namjoon and yoongi said hello.
"I wanted to get him some water, where do I find that?" I asked. I was lost in the huge apartment.
"Come on, I got you." Jin jumped up and showed me to the kitchen.
I got a glass and filled it with water.
"Did he have anything for dinner?" Jin asked.
"No, I made him something to eat but he was asleep for a while and then you ate it when you got there." I said.
"Oh, sorry about that, I love food."
I laughed. "It's okay."
I liked Jin, he was mature and caring. I could tell we would get along fine.
"I'll make him something to eat. You go ahead and get him the water." Jin said.
I walked in to Tae's room, he was fast asleep. I set the glass of water on his bedside table and walked out again.
"He's asleep." I told Jin.
"Ah, I see." He said. He was cooking some sort of soup.
I jumped up and sat on the kitchen counter. All the other guys were being loud and playing video games. I had met all of them before but it was still like being shoved in an apartment with six strangers.
"You're quiet." Jin said.
"It's one of my defining traits." I replied.
He chuckled.
"Pass me those onions, please," He asked politely.
I picked them up and handed them to him. He began to chop vegetables and dump them into the mixture. He was a man in his element.
"Why are you a singer when you could be a chef?" I asked.
"Why be a singer or a chef when you could be both." He thought for a moment. "I'm not so much a chef as I am the designated mom and cook for the rest of the guys."
That made me laugh.
Me and Jin talked while the soup simmered. When it was done he passed a bowl to me and said. "Eat up."
He set out seven other portions and yelled at the guys.
They all scrambled in and grabbed there bowls, ran out of the kitchen and started eating. I tried the food.
"Jin, you have a gift." I proclaimed.
He laughed and took his bowl and ate.
"We should wake Tae up and get him to eat." Jin said.
"Yeah we should." I replied.
I paused.
"I should get home soon." I said.
"You don't have to." Jin said. "Feel free to stay here, I'll kick Jimin out of his room for you."
"Really, I can just walk home in a little bit, it's fine."
"I understand if you want to leave, it's a bit much being around seven guys." Jin said. "But no way am I letting anyone walk home alone. I'll drive you."
"Thanks Jin."
"Lets get Tae his food."
Me and Jin went to Tae, I tried poking him, it didn't work this time. Jin nudged him with his foot.
"Hey, leave me alone Jin." Tae said sleepily.
"Eat some food." Jin shoved the bowl into his hands and left.
"I have to go Tae, I need to get home." I told him.
"Oh, okay." He said, crestfallen. "I'll see you tomorrow right?"
"Only if you're better." I said.
"I will be better!" He yelled.
"Okay okay, goodnight Tae."
I hugged him, trying not to spill his soup.
I walked out closing the door behind me.
"Ready to go?" Jin asked.
"Yeah, bye guys." I said to the room at large.
They all said their goodbyes and I left with Jin.

It didn't take long to get home.
"Thanks Jin." I said.
"No problem (y/n)."
"Make sure Tae doesn't do anything stupid tomorrow."
"I will." He chuckled. "Oh here, let me give you my number, just in case."
I gave him my phone and he typed his number in.
"If you need anything call me or Tae or any of us. You're always welcome at our place." He said.
"Thank you Jin, Goodnight."
"Goodnight (y/n)."

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