Day 30

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I woke up to a loud snoring in my ears. Tae was snoring loudly, his mouth agape. His arms were still tight around me. It was obvious that I would not be able to extract myself from his grip, not that I wanted to. The snoring however was too much. I poked him in the cheek several times, he sleepily pushed my hand away.
"Stoooppp." He moaned.
I poked again. He groaned. At least the snoring had stopped. I snuggled into him as much as I possibly could.
"Good morning." He said sleepily.
"Are you awake now?" I asked.
"No." He said.
He was silent for a minute.
"I have to pee." He said flatly.
After much difficulty we were able to both sit up on the couch. Tae blinked sleepily, he had a cute bed head. He looked over at me and blinked again, he patted my head, looked into my eyes and said.
"Where do I pee."
I directed him to the bathroom and I flopped back down on the couch. Normally, this situation would have embarrassed me but today, I was just too damn tired.
"Are you still sick." Tae asked, once he had existed the bathroom.
I thought for a moment.
"Not as much as yesterday."
I went to make some breakfast, I had barely eaten all day yesterday and I was starving.
Mornings did not agree with Tae. He was delirious and ended up falling asleep again on the couch only to be awoken by his phone ringing.
"What do you want!" He yelled into his phone, making me jump.
"Where you ask!?!"
"I don't need to explain myself to you!"
"Oh good morning Jungkook."
"No I was not abducted by aliens."
"Goodnight SIR!"
Tae hung up on his roommates.
"Sorry about that." He told me.
"No problem Tae." I said.
He rolled over and fell onto the floor.
"Ouch!" He yelled.
"This is not a good morning for you is it?" I asked.
"Why would you say that." He sounded offended and started getting to his feet. "I may have yelled at my friends and fallen face first into a hard floor but I woke up with you in my arms, gently poking me and that makes all the difference."
I stopped in my cooking to look back at him, he was smiling.
"How do you say stuff like that?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" His smile fell.
"You have no problem saying stuff like that."
"I still don't know what you mean."
I struggled to get the words out. "You say things like that and do things like hold my hand and you don't think about it at all. You just do it."
"You are mistaken, it takes every ounce of my courage to do those things." He looked at me seriously. "I have no misgivings about them because I like you and I know you like me."
"How would you know that." I said defensively. It was true though.
"It's obvious." He smiled a little bit.
"It is not obvious!" I said loudly, I knew that was a lie though.
He chuckled. "It is very obvious." He walked over to me and pulled me into a strong hug. "It's obvious because you let me do this."
I didn't argue.

We ended up eating breakfast together and watching Japanese anime. He had to leave after breakfast.
"I'll be back for you this evening." He said, squeezing me tight in a hug.
"I'll be waiting." I told him.

I took a nap during the day. The nausea was gone but a headache remained. After I woke up I found my camera where Tae had left it. I scrolled through the pictures to find the one Tae had taken last night for me. It was colorful and streaky like an abstract painting. I loved it.

The sky began to change colors outside my window. I packed my camera, pulled on Tae's hoodie he had given me and waited. I decided to wait outside and enjoy the cool weather. Tae jogged up ten minutes later.
"Ready?" He asked.
He waisted no time and took my hand in his.
"Do you feel okay?" He asked.
"I feel much better." I told him.
He was quiet for several minutes. Then, he let go of my hand. It made my heart drop. But he immediately draped his arm over my shoulder. I reached my hand up to his hand that was over my shoulder and interlaced my fingers with his. I looked up at him and he smiled. He pressed his cheek on the top of my head.
We eventually reached our spot. The sky was misty and colorful. I took the picture. Tae hugged me from behind, he set his chin on my shoulder and pressed his cheek against mine. We walked home in the dark. When we got back he pulled me into a hug again.
"Goodnight (y/n)."
"Goodnight Taehyung."
"What happened to calling me Tae?"
"I love every syllable of your name, I don't want to miss out on saying any bit of it."

Sunsets: Reader X Taehyung FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now