Chapter 13 - You've done it right?

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Hello, Hello! Dear Readers <3

Thank you readers for the votes given in the previous chapter and for the comments.

Hope you like the chapter enough to consider giving your vote!

If you find any grammar errors or have any suggestions just let me know ;)



Turns out my parents called me so they could drag me along in their sightseeing. They were very excited as they talked about a couple they met this morning during their romantic walk on the beach.

I'm not really paying attention.

My mind going back to that moment on the beach. Will was looking at me, staring, really. I decided not to mention instead I kept watching the sea, letting him continue his inspection of my face while I tried to understand what was going on: Why was Will acting this way? Why do I like it so much?

I'm still thinking about it when we stop to get lunch.

"... Solace is a cool name," I hear the end of my father's sentence.


"Wait. Solace? Did you just say Solace?" I ask.

"Oh, looks like someone wasn't paying attention," my mom comments, teasing.

My father chuckles.

"Let the boy be. He must have many things on his mind. And yes, I said Solace, that's the last name of the couple we're having dinner with today, that part you heard, right?"

"That we are we having dinner with them? Yes, I heard," right now. "Uhm, this couple ... Do they have a son?" I ask, not knowing if I want to be right or wrong.

"Yes, they've talked about him a lot. His name is Will," my mom says.

My heart quickens.

"Will Solace."

"Yes. Do you know him?" mom asks.

I thought I did. Not so sure now. I'm not sure of anything anymore.

"He's the classmate I was with when you called me."

"Oh! Perfect. You'll have a friend," says mom.

"Sure," I say, not very certain. Will has been good so far, but you never know.


Back in my hotel room, I try to finish my algebra homework. I hoped something as difficult as this would get me to stop thinking about Solace.

It doesn't work.

Will is all I can think about. What is up with this sudden change? Is it all a ruse?

My guts say no. Will was never truly mean, just unbearable.

A knock on the door scares me out of my thoughts. I look at my watch. It's dinnertime. I didn't notice so much time had passed.

I open the door expecting one or both of my parents, but instead come face to face with Will Solace about to knock again.

We froze in place, both looking at each other with surprise, me for being Will on the other side of the door and he probably because I opened the door so abruptly.

Will lowers his hands slowly, putting both of them in his pockets looking shy.

I put one of my hands on the door and the other on her casing, blocking his entrance and view of my room.

Judging By The Cover - Solangelo.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt