Chapter 3 - I Like You Like This

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Inicial Notes

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My day had everything to go well, except for Will Solace. All was well until I entered the school grounds.

Our school has a beautiful garden with a beautiful lawn and several trees.

As always, I arrived early in school, and all I wanted, all I wanted, was to study for today's text.

But when is life ever that simple?

Someone, and of course I knew exactly who it was, turned on the sprinklers right when I was passing next to one of them, which left me totally soaked.

I consider myself a calm person, but whenever this idiot is involved, that calm goes to shit, and my anger takes over.

I find Will near the sprinklers system, laughing at his stupid little prank.

Coglione, stupido, idiota, insopportabile fottuto stronzo. Jerk, stupid, idiot, unbearable fucking asshole.

So, he wants to play? Very well. Two can play this game.

I look around, looking for something, anything, and then I see, on the stairs leading to the school entrance, there's the janitor, and next to him, a bucket of dirty water.

I go for the bucket. Will probably thinks I'm running away, so he doesn't notice until it's too late and I turn the bucket of dirty water over his head.

Slowly, Will takes the bucket off his head. His gaze fixed on me. There is a pregnant pause. A lot of students are watching the scene unfold in suspense.

I turn around and run.

Will chases after me, catching me when I reach the still wet lawn. He grabs me and we both lose our balance, falling into the grass.

I turn quickly, trying to get Will off me. We struggle on the ground; me trying to escape from his embrace and him trying to get me stuck to the ground,

My glasses fall from my face and because of the idiot, we end up rolling over them.

It all ends when Solace overpowers me, pinning me to the floor with the weight of his body and I have no strength left to fight.

We both stopped moving breathlessly, but still staring at each other, I angrily and Will with an irritating smile for being the one who came out victorious:

Will brought his face closer to mine until our noses touch. I ignore my stupid heart that beats stronger with the proximity.

"I won." Will said.

Gods! Even with his face partially covered with dirt, his hair wet and with lint grass clinging to him, he still looks like a model. Looking closely, it is as if his skin has no imperfections, his eyes are a deeper and more fascinating blue and his smile...

Ugh! Gods! I hate him and hate the effect he has on me. Stupid hormones.

I force my brain back to work; I try to push Will off me without success:

"You really are an idiot. We can't go to school now."

I keep trying to break free, but Will blocks all my attempts, making me more and more frustrated by continuing to hold me to the ground.

At last, I give up, laying my head on the ground, trying to catch my breath. I relax my body, which makes me feel the contours of Will's body pressed against mine. I look directly into his eyes. I have never seen them from so close; they are really beautiful.

"Can you let me go?" I ask in a low, calmer voice this time.

Will shook his head, splashing the water from his hair on me. I turn my face to the side to prevent water from falling in my eyes.

Then I feel it, Will's nose brushing the base of my neck and dragging up to my chin, making me shiver, then his mouth brushes against my ear.

"I like you like this," he says, making me shudder.

Before I can respond or perceive the crowd that has formed around us, I hear the determined footsteps echoing on the school floor coming our way:

"Get off of Di Angelo, Solace." she orders, almost screaming.

Will obeyed the principal and quickly gets up from me. I stay there, laying on the floor for a few more seconds, trying to catch my breath and get my beating heart under control before I get up with a little difficulty:

"Care to explain this mess?" asks the headmistress, looking at both of us. Her expression is that of who is not to be trifled with.

"Will started the sprinklers." I say pointedly.

Will turned to look at me in exasperation.

"It was you who threw me a bucket of dirty water."

"You deserved worse. Look at the state of my clothes!"

"It was you who..."

"Enough!" shouts the principal. "You're both going to clean up this mess."

"It's not fair that I have to..." I begin to speak.

"It doesn't matter. The janitor will show the way to the cleaning products," she says and turns to the students who were watching. "What are you looking at? Classes have already begun. Go." she orders.

The principal leaves us both alone with the mess we made. I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

Unfair. What about any of this is my fault? Just because he's popular, should I accept his pranks without retaliating? As if!

I get my glasses off the floor and see the extent of the damage.

Damn it! The frame is destroyed, and the lens is cracked. Slowly, so as not to alert Will, I take off my right shoe and hit the idiot's head with him.

"Hey!" he turns to me surprised and annoyed. "What was that?!"

I look at him, even more irritated.

"You ruined my glasses." I say, showing him the ruined frame and cracked lens.

Will shrugs as if it's no big deal.

"I'll buy you another one." He says.

I put my shoe back on.

"I don't want anything that comes from you."

The janitor takes us to the cleaning supplies; we get what we need, and we go back to clean the mess:

"This is all your fault." I say as I clean the floor.

"Relax. Don't you know how to have fun?"

"Fun? That's not fun! It's punishment. We have a test in the next class."

"Right! Next class. Why bother?"

"Ugh! I'm done talking to you. Idiot!" 

Final Notes

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