Chapter 5 - Sexual Tension

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Inicial Notes

Hello, Hello! Dear Readers <3

Thank you readers for the votes given in the previous chapter and for the comments.

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My cold was gone after three days of rest, although I didn't fully recover until the following week when I could finally take my exams.

This whole incident caused a minor delay on the family trip to Hawaii, but it all work out and my parents were able to rearrange everything pertaining the trip.

After this whole mess, I barely had time to breathe, let alone pack my bags, so I was doing it tonight since our flight was tomorrow morning.

I would really rather go anywhere else. I hate beaches. And I get chills just thinking about the sand. I really hate sand.

Hazel, for some reason unknown to me, decided to help me pack.

"Are you sure you need to take so many books?" Hazel asks as she reaches for one of the many books I've separated for the trip.

"Yes. Since I won't have anything to do there besides going to the beach, I'm going to make better use of my time and read."

"You're probably the only person in the world who gets upset about having to go to Hawaii."

"It just shows how special I am," I say sarcastically.

"Maybe you're just stupid." Hazel says, teasing me.

"Ha, ha, ha. It takes one to know one. Mind telling me why you're not going with us tomorrow?"

"I already explained why. I have some appointments that I cannot miss. After all, I'm in my senior year. And I am going to Hawaii, just not right now. And unlike you, I'm not complaining," she says, trowing a pillow at me, but I catch it before it hits my face.

I'm still not sure I buy the whole 'Appointments I cannot miss' story. I mean, I know Hazel is in her senior year and has a lot to do, but I don't think that's the entire story.

"And what important appointments are these that would make you delay a trip to Hawaii? Unlike me, you love the beach." I ask, observing her in search of any clues.

Hazel turns slightly red, but responds in a firm voice.

"I have to prepare for graduation and I have a lot to think about. That's why I need some peace and quiet, and I'm not going to get that on a family trip to Hawaii."

"I understand that,but I don't think that's the whole story. There is something missing from this equation, or should I say, there is someone missing from this equation."

Hazel gets even redder.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she says.

"I'm talking about Frank."

Hazel freezes in place, momentarily surprise by this turn of events.

"How did you find out?" She asks in a whisper.

I cannot help but smile, knowing I hit the nail in the head.

"He's your boyfriend, isn't he? I noticed you guys were getting closer lately. And you are not exactly discreet. My gues is, you are in your senior year and Frank is in his senior year, and you both have to decide which Ûniversity you are going to and where to go from there. It's a tough decision if you want to stay together, so you guys must have a lot to talk about."

Hazel lets out a sigh.

"I don't even know why I try to hide things from you. It's a waste of my energy. Yes, you're right, Frank and I have a lot to talk about, but you cannot tell this to Daddy."

I harrumph, expressing indignation.

"Since when am I a snitch? Not to mention that I have better things to do than to meddle in your love life."

Hazel looks relieved. I shake my head in denial, not believing she was really worried about it.

"But you'll have to tell them, eventually." I say.

She grimaces. "I know, but Daddy's super protective and I don't know how he'll react."

I shrug.

"If he sees that this relationship is really serious, he will come around.... Eventually. He's only going to be on your tail for a while."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

I laugh as I cast her a wicked glance.

"Why? What could he possibly see if he stayed on your tail?"

Hazel turns red and looks away from mine.


"It's not what your face tells me."

Hazel looks at me sullenly. Apparently, I embarrassed her with my observations.

"I could say the same about you and Will," she says.

I widen my eyes when I hear his name. My heart jolts and starts to beat faster. Damn it! I had managed not to think of him today.

"How did Will even get into this conversation?" I ask, turning to my wardrobe, pretending to look for a T-shirt so that Hazel does not see me blush.

"How did he get into this conversation? Well, for starters, the sexual tension between you two is off the charts. You are so attracted to each other."

I almost left the T-shirt that I had in my hands to fall on the floor.

"What?!" I ask exasperate as I turn to look at Hazel.

"You hear me. You're attracted to Will. And Will is attracted to you." She accuses.

"I'm not attracted to him. I hate him," I say, refuting her statement.

"You can hate someone and still be attracted to them. It's a matter of chemistry, which is not missing between the two of you."

I roll my eyes.

"You're going crazy," I say, trying to disguise my nervousness.

"Nico. If you'd watched the two of you lounging in the mud, you'd think the same thing. When he got on top of you, the sexual tension between the two of you was palpable."

'Damn it! That's exactly what I did not want to think about.' I think as I feel my skin twitch as I remember the feeling of having Will on top of me.

"Stop raving Hazel."

"Stop pretending you didn't feel it, Nico."

Final Notes

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