Chapter 8 - What Was I Thinking?

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Hello, Hello! Dear Readers <3

Thank you readers for the votes given in the previous chapter and for the comments.

Hope you like the chapter enough to consider giving your vote!

If you find any grammar errors or have any suggestions just let me know ;)



Will's eyes widened in surprise when he saw me, but now he's just... staring at me?

I put my right hand on my waist and glare at Will, irritated.

"Stalker much. I honestly cannot believe this."

I wait for an answer, expecting a smartass reply to my comment, but he says nothing, just keeps staring at me.

Maybe he really didn't expect to meet me here. I think.

I stop myself from smiling at his obvious staring and clear my throat to get his attention. When I do that, his eyes direct to my face and I arch my eyebrows, waiting for him to say something.

"Well? What are you looking at?" I ask when he keeps being silent.

Will takes some time to regain his senses:

"Uhunn... Nothing. I mean..."

This is getting weird. Will seemed almost... shy. I'd better get out of here. Since we're not at school, I'm not required to share the same space as him.

I pass by him, continuing my way back to the hotel.

"Hey. Where are you going?!" Will asks, coming after me.

He quickly catches up with me and starts walking by my side.

"I fail to see how that's any of your business." I grumpily reply.

"Ouch! That hurt," he says.

Ugh. The sound of his voice gets on my nerves!

"Oh. Shut up!" I say as I keep on walking.

He takes time to respond and when I think he will indeed shut up and hopefully go alway. I hear him say.

"Make me."

I halt my steps and turn to him, making him do the same so as not to bump into me.

"What?!" I ask, exasperated and confused.

I wait for his answer, but instead of answering me, he changes the subject.

"Which hotel are you staying at?"

"Again, I fail to see how that's any of your business."

Will lets out an exasperated sigh. And then, as usual, we get into an argument, but there's something different about it.

"I can never talk to you," he says.

"And whose fault is that?"

Unexpectedly, instead of continuing the argument, Will stops and looks behind me.

"Is that one, isn't it?" he asks, pointing directly at the hotel I'm staying at.

"How the fuck did you guess that?"

"It's pretty obvious," he says, amused.

I can see why he stopped arguing, seeing as there's only one hotel in this particular area. Wait a second...

Judging By The Cover - Solangelo.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon