Lyric: Baby what are you doing? She say warping her arms around my waist.

Tremaine: Making up our date. With no interruptions. Just you and me.

Lyric: Awww baby you didn't have to do all of this. If you had woken me up I would of help.

Tremaine: I tried to you were like. Five more minutes. I said mimicking her.

Lyric: I don't sound like that.

Tremaine: Yea you do. Come on and eat I don't want you to past out.

Lyric: Shut up It smells good in here.

Tremaine: I wasn't raised my no foul.

She chuckles a little. I pull her seat out and she sits down.

Tremaine: What do you want to drink?

Lyric: Just some water.

I get her some water and I get some too. I give her a water and sit down.

Lyric: This food taste amazing. Where did you learn how to cook.

Tremaine: Thank you. My grandma taught me really young growing up.

Lyric: You close to her.

Tremaine: Yea. She was always there for me growing up.

Lyric: What about your mom?

Tremaine: Yea she is like my sister. she had me when she 17 so we kinda grew up together. I remember going to her classes with her in college. We didn't have a lot of money. So we got a lot if our stuff from Salvation Army. I didn't mind it though.

Lyric: What about your dad.

Tremaine: My dad left my mom and I when I was 2 he was in and out of my life a lot. He went to jail for a while then when he got out he got some other girl pregnant and she had a boy. So he was brother they named him Alex. Alex comes over for holidays and birthdays. I don't see him a lot cause he is still in high school. To my dad we don't talk. I have seen him in about 16 years.

Lyric: Wow you been through a lot. So does Forrest have the same dad.

By this time we were done eating.

Tremaine: No his last name Tucker so his my mom. Forrest's dad is in the military. He wasn't around him that much for Forrest's life but I don't like how he handle Forrest growing up. He just wasn't there for him.

Lyric: So is your mom still married to him.

Tremaine: No they divorce a couple of years back.

Lyric: You been through a lot.

Tremaine: Yea but my mom, grandmothers,and aunts were all their for my brothers and I. What about your family.

Lyric: Remember when I told you about me joining the Army.

Tremaine: Yea why?

Lyric: I lied.

Tremaine: Why?

Lyric: I joined because my dad left me when I was five cause of family problems. He went to the military and never came back. I don't know if he is alive or not. I just want to find out if he is. So we can talk. When he left I was moved to the states. With my grandmothers and we lived in Arizona. They got really sick for a couple of years were to a point they couldn't raise me. The doctors thought they were going to die. I was adopted when I was seven. My adopted parents moved me to New York. I grew up in Brooklyn. I was able to go see my grandmothers when they got better during the summer.

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