14 | Crystal

37 10 0

Now | Summer 2018

I was numb all over.

I think we all were.

It was like we switched to an automated mode; doing just what was expected.

Jay, Lia and Noah went in to look for Liza. Caleb, Mav and I made our way to Caleb's car to drive to our town.

Some of our peers, apparently, witnessed Daniel standing on the roof and declaring he didn't want to live.

Out of all the teens present, some were too high to comprehend anything, some were hysterical, some still didn't give a damn, and others were just as numb as we were.

Since Jayden was the host, he decided it was best that all the guests - witnesses or otherwise - be there when we bring the police.

"I'll go open the back gate." Maverick said as we approached the car.

The invitation did say that we were to remain on the property till the next day, but a back door, one which wasn't mentioned to all the guests, was never locked.

Caleb and I got into his car, waiting as Mav walked towards the back gate, which blended quiet well with the high wire-mesh fence.

I looked over at Caleb as he started the car; but an ugly scream slicing through the roar of the roar of the engine froze us.

Our heads simultaneously snapped ahead.

"Oh, fuck."

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