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Four in the morning. Pitch black outside. You were far off in dream land when all of the sudden, you felt someone shake you. You brushed it off in your barley awake state. All of the sudden you were being shaken from side to side, as if someone was panicking while trying to wake you up. You opened your eyes to see a figure standing above you in the darkness and started to internally panic as you quickly tried to find out who it was.

"(Y/n), it's me." a familiar voice whispered. "Angelica?" You tiredly replied, but now fully awake. "Don't mind me, I'm just going to nap here.." she grumbled, crawling onto the foot of your small bed that clearly wasn't made for two people. You sat up. "Angelica, what are you doing?". she curled up into a ball and replied: "Just ignore me". she then attempted to get comfy. You were beyond confused and were frankly kinda annoyed. You glanced at your alarm clock. "Angelica, it's four am! what are you even doing her-" "Shhhhh" she scolded, rolling over and falling asleep, You rolled your eyes. What was wrong with this woman?? You accidentally fell back to sleep while thinking of reasons as to why she's showing up at 4am to sleep in your bed.

-time skip-

The irritating noise of your alarm clock filled your ears in the morning. The sun was shining brightly outside your window as you opened your eyes. You had briefly remembered what happened at 4, crossing your fingers and hoping it was just a dream. Your eyes slowly drifted to the edge of the bed and you let out a sigh of annoyance once you spotted the greasy haired Angelica with smeared, faded, makeup, curled up at the end of the bed. You honestly didn't feel like waking her up but what kind of friend would you be if you let another friend be late for work? You slightly winced at the fact that Angelica was one of your friends now. You stood up and stretched. "Angelica.." You called, waiting in front of her, hoping she would wake up just by hearing her name. After many attempts, nothing worked so you resorted to shaking her. She still didn't wake up. Well, you tried and you had to get ready. You decided you'd try again later and slowly made your way to the bathroom.

- time skip-

You were done and finally ready for the day, you went back to your room to wake Angelica up. You could hear the light sounds of her breathing. She was obviously in deep sleep. "Angelica!" you yelled, shaking her. She whined continued to sleep. You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Oh my gosh! They're selling those shoes where?!" You shouted, hoping she'd finally wake up. She then, finally, sat up slowly, yawning and stretching. "Good morning.." you sighed, relieved that it worked but a little irritated that it took so long. You watched her look around, almost as if she was confused. "What shoes?" She groggily aksed, her hair a bit more messy then yesterday and her makeup even more faded and smudged. "There is no shoes, there never was any shoes." You admitted. She crossed her arms in anger. "Ok, well, I'm going back to sleep..." She announced, beginning to lay back down. "Oh no you're not, you're gonna be late for work!" You informed. She sat up suddenly. "Work?!" She asked and looked around. "Yes Angelica, work. The morning meeting is in 20 minutes, and if you get up now, you might actually be on time for once" you teasingly sassed. She jokingly shook her head at you and smirked before She stood up, stretched, and made her way to the bathroom as you made your way to the kitchen.

-time skip-

You finished eating your breakfast and there wasn't an Angelica in sight, you then went to the porch where the meeting was about to take place, it was only then Angelica showed up, her hair brushed down a bit but other than that, her makeup was smudged and she kind of smelled a bit. Benson had once again, paired you up with Angelica. this time he had assigned you two to rake the leaves In the front of the park. Although you didn't want to work with her, you had some questions that needed answers....

you took a long look at the curb where several cars were parked. You expected to see Angelicas sparkly pink car in its usual spot, but weirdly didn't see anything of the sort. "You parked somewhere else today?" You asked, realizing that was kind of a strange question to ask. "Uh.." She pondered, almost as if mentally debating what she should say. "Yep!" She nervously laughed. It was almost obvious she was lying. Somehow you felt comfortable enough to ask her, "What made you park in a different spot?"

You then realized that was a bit weird of a question as well but it was too late to take it back. You just hoped she wouldn't over react. "Umm because I just discovered a nicer area so it's waaay cooler" She answered nervously, starting to rake leaves the wrong way. You were feeling so courageous and you weren't sure why but you were gonna go ahead and ask what you were thinking.

"Angelica, why'd you show up at the house at 4am today?" She stayed silent and continued raking leaves. "Angelica?" You asked after a few moments of silence. You were starting to lose courage at this point because the silence was a bit scary, it was as if she could snap at any moment. You didn't know what to do. Do you stay quiet? Or do you say something? You glanced up at Angelica who's facial expression was a mix of anger, discomfort, and maybe just a tinge if sadness. "Angelica, have you been okay lately? I've noticed some stuff recently and I'm just letting you know that I'm here for you if you need me." You comforted. "I'm fine, okay?!" she sassed, raking the leaves faster. "Okay..." you replied, awkwardly and slowly getting back to the leaves as well.

-time skip-

It was still awkward when you and her finished the leaves. You guys didn't talk the rest of the time and still didn't talk on the way to put the rakes back but
after what seemed like an eternity of silence, you had finally reached the spot where the rakes were supposed to be placed.

She apparently wasn't just staying
quiet, she was ignoring you too, because when you said goodbye, she turned around and stormed off. Okay, there is something definitely wrong with this woman. Why was she acting this way? What was she hiding? And who is she really?

maybe, just maybe,....all your questions will be answered soon.

A/n: Heyo! I just wanted to say, thank you all for the wonderful votes and comments!! I honestly didn't think so many people would enjoy my book this much! Once again, thank you!! Have a good day/night and See ya in the next chapter~~

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