36| Turner Falls.

Start from the beginning

Step Four of Curing Luke:
- Katie will explain that the stinging is normal, especially if he were to cry.
- He may want to rub his eyes at any time during the next three weeks which he is not allowed to do.
- he needs to try and stay away from things getting in his eyes, even if he is wearing the glasses.
- of a night, he needs to wear a sleeping mask, and have all of the lights off, of a morning he may NOT open his eyes until the glasses are on.

Step Five of Curing Luke:
- come back to the clinic after the three weeks for a check, where Luke will finally be allowed to take the glasses off.

Luke and Annie and Andre nodded along to every step, listening intently so they knew how to follow them.

Now it was time for Step One of Curing Luke, meaning he had to say goodbye to Annie and Andre for now.

Luke gulped as Katie allowed the three a few minutes alone before she took him away. He hugged Annie tightly, squeezing her body painfully but she didn't mind, she needed it too.

"I'm so scared," he mumbled into the skin of her neck, breathing in the air around her as he tried to calm his racing heart. "I love you."

"I love you too, everything's going to be ok." She cupped his face in her hands, pressing their lips together for the last time before he could finally appreciate her beautiful self.

He nodded, following Katie's arm to the operation room, it was going to be a long and painful 5 to 10 hours.


Annie and Andre left the place, not having the mental capacity or strength to wait that long doing absolutely nothing.

They decided to go to a diner a little down the street to start off with, they'd probably go somewhere else afterwards.

They didn't know what to say, it wasn't everyday their best friend and boyfriend got their vision back.

"D'you think things will be different?" Andre asked, eating at his chips as he stared at the pretty girl sat opposite him.

He wondered what Luke's first reaction would be to seeing her, probably something along the line of; Holy fucking shit she is hot as fuck or oh my fucking god how haven't we had sex yet or even fuck me. Because that was definitely what Andre was thinking.

Never, ever in a million years would he admit to Annie or Luke or even himself about the tiny little crush he had on the girl.

He didn't even know if it was a crush or just his boyish hormones kicking in trying to get him laid.

He shook the thoughts, and tried to pry his eyes away from her plump lips which would look amazing as they-

"Yeah, they'll be different, but I don't think it'll be a bad thing." She shrugged, sucking on the straw to her chocolate milkshake as she scrolled through her phone, searching for things to do in Oklahoma as they waited.

"We could go to turner falls for a swim, that looks cool. Or the national museum?" She asked, looking at the few things to do that was close to them.

"Turner falls sounds cool, I don't care swimming in my underwear, in this heat it'll dry in minutes." Andre commented, staring out to the wavering sky from the punishing heat.

They agreed on going, finishing their meals before going to the car and starting to drive to the place, it only taking around an hour.

Andre realised he should have picked the museum. He really should have picked the museum. Surprisingly, his first thought wasn't that he would be seeing Annie in her underwear, whilst wet.

He tried not looking at her as she stripped, instead focusing on the other families and couples here- not that he was thinking they were a couple because they weren't she was dating his best friend. Right?

"Ready?" Annie chuckled, her arms feebly covering her body as she ran and jumped into the natural swimming pool at the bottom of the 77 meter waterfall.

Andre's eyes widened, he was definitely going to embarrass himself with probably- but hopefully not- a boner.

He jumped in, dive bombing right next to her and causing her to be soaked to the bone with the fresh spring water.

The only thing on Andre's mind at the moment was Annie, and he felt so sick about it. He should be thinking about Luke, how his operations going and what not, he definitely shouldn't be thinking about how bangable his girlfriend looks.

They spent maybe half an hour in the water before deciding they should start driving back, the traffic being shown on Annie's phone may take an hour or two to get through.

Andre offered to drive, thankfully, so Annie could fix her make up in the passenger seat, her nerves consuming her as she realised Luke was going to see her for the first time. She had to look good.

"You don't need make up, Y'know? You're gorgeous without it, he'll think so too." Andre commented, gulping as he hoped that wasn't too much, too far or too readable.

The last thing he wanted was for her or Luke to find out about his increasing crush.

"Thanks," she sighed, only applying some mascara and lip gloss instead. "Let's go get him, yeah?"

Thank you
Lotta love
A xxx

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