The President paused and stroke his chin with his single hand. He seemed to consider this for a long few moments before he smiled and said, "...No. I'm not going to 'dispose' of you, young man. That'd be the equivalent of, well, massacring an entire battalion of soldiers who risked their lives. No, you don't have to worry about that all. I'm not going to lock you all up, I'm not going to kidnap you for illegal experimentation, nothing unethical at all. You'd had my respect since you saved my life in Washington and that's only deepened with your subsequent escapades. Please...believe me that I won't do anything to hurt you all. Trust me."

Jason swallowed, clasping his hands together. He nodded slowly. He liked the President, all things considered, he seemed like an actually reasonable person. "So..." He spoke up. "Well, that's good hear. Thank you...but does happen to us now?"

"Well, that's on you all..." The President said with a slight cough. He covered his mouth and stifled it. "You see...I think Director Prescott was right. Metahumans aren't going away, they're becoming more and more numerous. refused to take them seriously, considered your organization a joke. Young adults working to protect us? No matter your abilities, the idea seemed ludicrous. But if you hadn't been there, Zeus's virus would have possibly wiped out the human race. That demented serial killer Akihiro would have rampaged across America. And there's no telling what the Skeleton Crew would have done unopposed. The fact of the matter is, we needyou. The much is clear. And so..." The President paused, against stroking his chin as if searching for the right words.

Jason leaned forward, curious as to what the man would say. The President finally sighed, running a hand through his hair then said, "We would like to offer you a chance to keep the Metahuman Agency going. Things will be...different, naturally. But we can give you the resources you had, to properly respond to metahuman threats and deal with them. This is your choice, naturally. But...I know how effective you all are. The Director was right. Your team are the only ones who fight metahuman criminals and terrorists. I would like to give you the resources to go keep at it." He paused again before adding. "If that's what you want, anyway."

Jason swallowed deeply. He's offering got give us the Agency back? He thought. That wasn't exactly what he'd suspected...but it was refreshing to hear. He'd been worried...really worried actually of what could happen to him and his friends. A nagging sense that their lives were over, that the Metahuman Agency had died when they'd completed their final goal of taking down Jacqueline.

But now? Now he heard that the President himself wanted them to be rebuilt. To be the people they used to be! To continue to have adventures! He looked at his friends and saw none of them were talking. He bit his lip and decided to go first.

"For my part, I'm in," Jason spoke up. "I...can't imagine life without the Metahuman Agency...I want us to continue, in some form. If you can give us that, Mr. President, I'd be fucking happy to continue as we were. These guys are my friends..." And more, He thought as he looked at Audrey. "I'm sure as hell don't want to be separated from them. Maybe it won't exactly be as it was...but I'm game to try and rebuild ourselves."

Laureen nodded too. "Yeah..." She folded her arms. "I ain't got nothing beyond this..."

Same. Jason thought.

"And as the motherfucking team leader," She rapped a fist against her chest. "I got, like, responsibilities and shit. Yeah. I'm in too."

Audrey's antennae twitched. She was quiet for a few moments, twiddling her massive thumbs before she looked up. Her brown eyes met Jason's. They shared a long look between each other and Jason cracked a broad grin at her. Audrey smiled back and nodded slowly.

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarWhere stories live. Discover now