Beneath the Factory

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 Jason flexed his shoulders as the elevator began to move downward. The horrible grinding noise he had heard in the factory now echoed inside the enclosed space. He frowned uncomfortably, rubbing a hand over his ears.

"Geez," He said to the guard. "This elevator sounds like its about to die."

The guard laughed. "Honestly, that's the first time I've thought about in ages. You'd be amazed what you can get used to." The guard tapped the wall. "This baby came with the facility and although she may sound weak, she's a tough old girl. Our budget goes toward data and networks, not routine maintenance. We patch her up enough to keep her working and that's enough."

Jason shrugged. "If you say so."

"It does sound like a piece of crap elevator," Laureen muttered, folding her arms behind her head. "At least it ain't like some the crapfests in my old neighborhood. Woof. Those looked like fucking crap on the inside and out, lemme tell you."

"Yeah," The guard said, raising an eyebrow. "Okay." He sounded really disinterested, his head turning back to the changing numbers. Jason frowned but smirked and nudged Laureen.

"Guess he hates small talk." He whispered.

"That makes fucking two of us," Laureen said with a rueful grin.

"What are you talking about? You run your mouth off like you've been filled hot air pretty much all the time!"

Laureen elbowed him back. "Hey. You shut up."

Audrey put her massive hand between them and gently pushed them apart. "I don't think it's the time to be messing around, guys," She whispered. Jason opened his mouth then closed it. She was right.

"Right. Sorry."

He leaned against the wall and Audrey lowered her hand. Laureen sighed but also shut up. The guard didn't acknowledge the exchange, continuing to watch the numbers change. The group rode downward in silence, listening to the horrible grinding of the elevator until, mercifully, it stopped with a loud clanging noise. The doors slid open, revealing a long, dark hallway before them. Lights flickered on automatically, revealing the walls were made of glass. There was no furniture and at the end of the hall was a pair of doors that looked newly polished. Two more guards flanked the doorway, each holding a submachine gun.

Hiroshi stepped through the doors first, clutching his helmet tight as he looked around. "Man..." He whispered as he swiveled about, looking at his own reflection in the glass walls. "This place is a lot smaller than the Agency was. A lot...creepier too."

The guard furrowed his lips at that but simply said, "Keep moving please." Hiroshi nodded quickly and moved forward down the hallway. He then saw the two armed guard and quickly took a few steps back.

"Uh..." He looked back. "Someone else mind going first...please?"

"Oh don't be a weanie," Laureen huffed. She paused then said, "But I suppose as team leader I should go first. Yeah, I guess that makes fucking sense. Alright, make way." She limped out of the elevator and Hiroshi moved aside. She also took in her surroundings as she hobbled forward down the hall. Hiroshi followed after her, glancing carefully at the guards.

Jason glanced at James, Audrey, and Max. James was practically bouncing on his heels with excitement but Jason noted his eyes were straying to the elevator walls. Suddenly, as if he was unable to help himself, he charged over to the wall and slapped his hands against it.

"I'm sorry forgive me but I couldn't restrain myself supposed to be moving forward yes I remember I remember only a few seconds ago you said that yes yes yes but this elevator ooh I can't stand the noises its making it needs a tune up heavy maintenance," James rambled, rubbing his hands against the wall. "I estimate the pit roller bearings you know what those are well I assume you do we can get into the explanation later perhaps a lecture maybe is require but perhaps not I won't assume that'd be rude wouldn't it yes yes I think so anyway those are perhaps out of date and when they are out of date they go bad and when they go bad the sound resonates through your mounting arms making that horrible grinding sound could I please have a look at them I don't mean to brag not quite well not entirely true perhaps but still I am a bit of technical genius I could certainly try my hand at repairing I don't need to even be paid!"

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