The Press Conference

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The group rode through the streets of Washington until the SUVs pulled into Pennslyvania Avenue. Jason glanced out the window, watching as the White House loomed into view. The place looked a bit haggard. The front of it was clearly under constructed, surrounded by layers of tarp and other equipment, repairing the damage Zeus had caused. The outer gate had been replaced by a reinforced wall, lined with security cameras. As they pulled closer, Jason noticed barricades had been placed around the street. Soldiers stood at the barricades, keeping a horde of reporters back.

Jason shuddered as he saw them. Dozens upon dozens of reports, waving microphones around, yelling at cameras, pointing the cameras about, trying to interview the looked like complete chaos. Jason looked back at Laureen and made a face. She made a face back.

"This is gonna suuuuuck," She moaned, putting her face in her hands. "I hate the media. I really do. First asshole that tries to interview me is getting a punch in the mouth."

"Oh come now Laureen its not so bad," James blurted out, leaning forward. He waved his hands at the mass of reporters. "Why of course there's this many this is an important even you should feel flattered and besides statiscally we're much more capable than any of these people you shouldn't feel threatened Jason especially could send them all packing with a few flicks of his fingers." James waved his hands for emphasis and chuckled, his voice a little muffled under his ski mask.

"I don't care," Laureen growled. "They're still annoying." She pointed a finger both of them. "And no delaying! We run in there and ignore the army of assholes outside. Kay?"

"Be glad to..." Jason muttered, bracing himself as the SUVs pulled under in front of the barricade. Flashes from outside alerted him that the reporters were taking photos already. Great.

The car stopped. The drivers looked at them. "We're here."

"That we are," Laureen crossed herself. "Okay...on three."

"One two three let's go!" James immediately blurted out. He shoved the door open and sprang outside. Laureen tried to grab him but he was already outside. She groaned before sliding across the seat and carefully stepped out of the car, minding her bad leg. Jason moved after him, jumping onto the street.

Jason looked around. He saw reporters right next to the car, yelling at him, cameras being trained on him. He shielded his eyes as flashes of cameras went off. The roar of noise assaulted his senses. He normally enjoyed sensory overload, having been a city dweller, but this was giving him a headache.

One reporter tried to step toward him, raising a microphone but a soldier stepped in the woman's path and kept the horde back. Jason grunted in annoyance and approached the barricade. James was waving to the reporters, happily facing them but Laureen grabbed his arm and dragged him through the barricade. The soldiers moved aside to let them pass.

Jason approached the barricade. He was about to step through when a collective gasp when up from behind him. Even a few screams. He turned and saw Audrey had exited the second vehicle. She faced the crowd, her anttenae drooping as reporters recoiled away. Even a few soldiers looked nervously, their hands reflextively gripping their guns tighter.

There was a moment of silence before Audrey slowly trudged forward. Reporters stared at her, open mouthed, cameramen following her every move. Audrey trudged through the barricade, the soldiers backing away quickly to let her pass. As soon as she vanished, the reporters started yelling amongst themselves. Jason heard a few cries of "What was that thing?!" and "I think I'm gonna be sick..." Made him want to punch a few faces in.

Hiroshi and Max followed after Audrey. Hiroshi moved quickly across the street, his face hidden but his body language clearly a bit distressed. He practically zoomed through the barricade. Max's posture was hunched and his hands were shoved into his pockets. He slowly walked through. Like James, he was wearing a ski mask. Jason let him go by and finally followed after the others, giving the army of reporters a final glare before he went through.

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