GHOST Headquarters

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Jason watched the landscape far below as The Panther zoomed through the sky. He could acres of farmland, woods, and little towns bustled up against one another. From up here, the world all looked like little toys. A bunch of doll's play sets perhaps. He rather enjoyed the sight, looking down on it all. It gave him a feeling of nostalgia, of watching the whole of Manhattan perched on the edge of a skyscraper. If only there were buildings below instead of trees and then the image would be perfect. Still, he could see the image of the sun setting in the distance, bathing the sky in hues of orange and scarlet. That was a nice image, he supposed.

"So..." Jason looked away from the window, leaning against his seat. He called to James and Laureen at the front of the plane. "Where are we going?"

"A secret base, didn't you hear?" Hiroshi spoke up. The kid still looked excited as all hell. Jason felt a little envious of him. He didn't get as excited much these days about secret bases, awesome machines, or any of that. Probably because he'd become used to it, so for him, this stuff was normal. But in light of now losing it...he wondered if he'd ever really get excited about this stuff again, now that he'd seen a place he'd considered invincible torn apart. In any case, he felt envious of Hiroshi's chipper attitude, which was all the more surprising considering the various traumas the kid had seen in such a short time. Maybe he was just burying his fears but then again, maybe not.

Jason snorted, dismissing his thoughts. He really needed to stop getting lost in his own daydreams. "Yeah, I heard," He said sarcastically. He tapped one of his ears. "I'm not deaf, which is pretty lucky considering how many guns have gone off next to me."

Hiroshi blushed. "Er...yes. Right. But that answers your question then...right?"

Jason sighed and shook his head. "No. I meant specifically. Specifically where are we headed?"

"The coordinates point to somewhere in Maine but the exact place where we trekking toward my friend is unknown not known yes quite unknown like GHOST itself hidden in the shadows mysterious and such," James blurted out from the front of the plane. "Besides there's no sense in worrying about it quite yet we'll get there when we get there which is soon you know quite soon considering our current speed and provided there are no obstacles which I doubt in fact almost nonexistent then we should arrive at this place wherever it may be in geographical terms in exactly ten minutes."

Jason laughed and raised his hands. "Okay, okay. Somewhere in Maine. Good enough for me."

"I've never been to Maine," Audrey muttered. She twiddled her fingers together as she spoke. "But I've heard its nice. I wonder where Axel put his base there?"

"Perhaps underground, like the Agency!" Hiroshi said, chucking. "Or perhaps inside of a building complex, disguised as a corporate building! Or..."

Audrey abruptly turned away, shifting her massive bulky so she was looking at the back of the plane. Hiroshi stopped talking, blinking in confusion. He looked between them and frowned, leaning back in the seat.

"...Okay then." He said sourly, folding his arms and leaning back in his seat. Audrey still didn't acknowledge him, taking more interest in the wall.

Jason rubbed his head. This has gotta stop. She'd been quite cold to Hiroshi since he had joined the team, but he hadn't intervened until now, which Jason could see was a mistake. With them all relying on each for survival now, he knew there couldn't be much infighting. He wondered if he should let Laureen handle this, though. He could bring it up to her and have her chew Audrey out with her usual bluntness. But...he glanced at the front of the plane. Laureen was leaning over the controls, watching outside, and talking to James. She seemed busy at the moment.

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