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Jason fell through the air toward Jacqueline, screaming. But her thrusters carried her off into the sky and he slammed down into the sand instead. The Panther shot over him and went after her, spraying machine gun fire at the Skeleton Crew commander.

Jason somersaulted to the side, barely avoiding Incisor's twin MP5s, bullets ravaging the sand. Scream was about to unleash her sonic wail but Hiroshi's energy blasts hit her and sent the silent woman flying. Incisor turned in Hiroshi's direction, only to meet Audrey. The beetle girl slammed into the elephant and grabbed his massive arms, forcing him down across the beach. Nearby, Web went scurrying off, giggling crazily.

Jason spun to the side, just in time to see Tuatara lying at Akihiro's feet. The mad artist raised his knife, the paint turning the lizard-boy over. Tuatara screamed, struggling against his bonds, as tendrils of ink crawled up to his single eye and forced it open. Akihiro grinned, preparing to stab down.

Jason flung himself at Akihiro, yelling "HEY!" Akihiro didn't even look at him. He just snapped his fingers and the paint flung Tuatara into Jason, smacking him out of the air. The two crashed down into the sand, tendrils of ink slithering around them and wrapped around their limbs. Jason felt himself being secured, the tendrils of paint forcing him into a spread eagle position, doing the same to Tuatara.

"I expected a little more fight..." Akihiro said, daintily walking down them, pale fingers tightening around his knife. "I'm a tad disappointed, really. But I suppose we've had our bouts already. There's been enough anticipation, hasn't there? Mmm...just hold still you two. I'll start with you, Jason..." He beckoned one finger at himself and the paint tendrils pushed Jason upward, forcing his head towards Akihiro's knife. He tried to struggle loose but the tendrils just tightened their grip, one slithering around his throat to keep his head in place. The knife, covered with dried blood, moved toward his mouth. Akihiro grinned, licking his lips. "That's it...keep struggling. It'll make the process more enjoyable. Now...must first piece...I think I'll cut out your tongue, Jason. Yes, that will do nicely to start things off..."

Jason gritted his teeth, letting out a choked cry of terror as the knife thrusted toward his mouth. But before it could cut into him, a blast of energy struck Akihiro in the chest. The mad artist was blasted across the beach, striking the sand hard and rolling several feet.

Akihiro pushed himself up, snarling in rage. Another energy blast hit his side, knocking him back down. The paint tendrils around Jason fell away, splattering into multicolored puddles. Hiroshi flew over him, screaming: "You son of a BITCH! Get away from THEM!"

But as he did, Web suddenly sprang out from behind a rocky outcropping and tackled Hiroshi out of the air, one of his energy blasts going wild. The spider woman slammed the teenager into the beach and Hiroshi screamed in pain. Akihiro laughed, standing up.

Web pressed Hiroshi against the ground, drool splattering down on his helmet. Jason tried to run and held but a puddle of paint morphed into a hand and grabbed his boot. He tripped and more paint tendrils lashed around his legs, dragging him backwards. He watched in horror as Web ran her tongue across Hiroshi's helmet before she hissed, "A little golden smell fresh. Let's crack you open and see what's inside!" She raised one of her stingers, her other hand keeping Hiroshi down, but before she could do anything, a blast of fire shot over her head.

Web looked upward, cringing with a hiss. Her grip must have loosened enough because Hiroshi suddenly flew out from underneath her and soared away. Web looked forward and Jason, still being dragged toward Akihiro, heard Laureen cry "Hey! You want something fresh to eat?! Well, you fucking maniac, I'm gonna burn myself a FUCKING spider then!"

Web sprang across the beach toward Laureen, shrieking in rage. Tuatara leaped from his position, paint flying off his body, and slammed him into her. They fell near one of the tanks, rolling against its treads as they fought each other. Jason caught a brief glimpse of Laureen limping toward their location, sucking in another burst of air before another tendril grabbed his head and spun him around.

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