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Audrey burst through the hole at the end of the small tunnel she had made, dodging a few dangling electrical wires. Bursting free, she rose into the night air, Jason blinking as sea-swept winds hit him in the face. He looked around, as he saw they were hovering back over the deck of the airship.

The airship had faceplanted in San Francisco Bay, most of its enormous form being swallowed by the water. It was pitched slightly on its side, all of the vehicles and unconscious (or worse) Skeleton Crew mercs they had torn through on the deck were gone, doubtlessly having been thrown into the bay in the crash. The waters around the ship were churning violently, huge waves lapping at its sides. External floodlights were still functional on the top of the deck, bathing the airship in light.

Jason looked over Audrey's shoulder. In the distance, he could see the San Francisco skyline, smoke still masking chunks of it from view. He could hear the distant wail of sirens, the whup whup whup of helicopters, and what sounded like the whine of aircraft. He noticed what looked like some docks at the edge of the smoke. Or rather, what remained of the docks.

He could see the remains of wooden planks but most of them appear to have been smashed to pieces. Chunks of wood and ship containers were floating in the water, joined by overturned boats.

Jason immediately felt a disturbing pang of regret, biting his lip. How much collateral damage had they caused when the airship had crashed? Had they sent massive waves out that had swallowed up helpless ships and maybe even crashed into the city itself? He prayed no citizens had been hurt...they didn't have any choice...the results would have been horrific if that coilgun had been allowed to fire...but god, still.

His disturbed thoughts were interrupted by Laureen. She cried, "Alright boys and girls, here she comes! Let's finish this, like Jason said! Audrey, dump us on the deck! Let's keep this contained to the bitch's sinking shitbarge!"

Audrey nodded and dived for the deck, speeding down for the upper section. As she did, Jacqueline suddenly exploded out of the hole, zooming high into the sky. She stopped, hovering for a brief second before flying after them like a bird of prey.

She was quickly gaining on them and Jason saw her claws extending. He patted Audrey's shoulder as the deck came towards them and said, "I'll be right back, babe."

"Huh?" Audrey said, looking at him. Jason didn't answer and jumped off her arm before kicking off her shell, launching himself right at Jacqueline. The psychotic mercenary commander clearly didn't expect that and she didn't have enough time to swerve before Jason landed right on her helmet.

Jason wrapped his legs around her throat and yelled, "SURPRISE!" before clapping one hand over her exposed eye. He then began pounding on her second optic, hoping to break it open like the first. Jacqueline spun out of control, the world becoming a frenetic blur.

Jason held on for dear life, g-forces assaulting him, doing their best to rip him off Jacqueline. The two of them plunged through the sky, heading right for the deck below. Jacqueline snarled as Jason's fist cracked against her helmet and swiped at him. Jason jumped, flying for a second in freefall before he spun around in midair and slapped his hand against Jacqueline's jetpack. She dived out of her plunged, Jason being yanked backward, his arm nearly being torn from its socket and only his sticky fingers keeping him secured to her.

Jacqueline looked backward as she flew through the sky, Jason ineffectually swiping at other parts of her body to grab on with his other hand. She stopped in midair, the sudden jerking halt yanking Jason forward like a pinball. He managed to slam his legs against her backside, bracing himself, but the blow sent shockwaves of pain down through his body. He screamed, his hand slipping free and fell.

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