A New Future

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The Secret Service agents sat at the table in the center of the bedroom. They had removed their sunglasses but their eyes still looked sharp and stoic, barely betraying any hint of emotion. The iPad was set up on the table itself (the pizza box had been tossed away hastily in the corner).

Jason lay on the bed, licking his lips, still feeling the touch of Audrey on them. Audrey sat next to the bed near him, the two of them trading meaningful looks. Laureen lay on the other side of the bed, resting her bad leg on a pillow for support. Hiroshi was curled on the floor, munching on a pizza crust, occasionally pausing to wipe crumbs off himself. Max sat in a chair closest to the table, arms folded and waiting quietly.

One of the agents checked his watch and nodded to his partner. The second guy turned on the iPad and a virtual call went through, buzzing loudly. After a few seconds of ringing, the picture switched on and the President's face filled the screen. He appeared to be sitting down. His appearance was still gaunt and tired looking, similar to when Jason had last seen him at the press conference but he managed a slow smile nonetheless.

"The Metahuman Agency..." The President said to them. "I...no...this country owes you a great debt. This is the third time you've put your lives on the line against a downright apocalyptic threat. I...can't thank you enough for what you've done."

"Thank you sir," Laureen said, smirking. "We're, uh, happy to help. It's been rough, won't lie though. But I'm glad that fucking bitch is dealt with and her pack of crazy ass thugs in the ground." She paused before asking. "How bad is the damage? And the uh...death toll in San Francisco and Quincy?"

The President sighed, running his single hand through his hair. Jason leaned forward, curious about that himself. "I won't lie, its very bad. We're estimating civilian and military casualties in the hundreds so far, not to mention millions of dollars worth of property damage. But it could have been much worse. You all stepping in saved both those cities from complete annihilation. There was no way t prevent any loss of life but prevented many, many people from being killed. You're heroes, far as I'm concerned."

Jason clasped his hands together. It was hard to process. Hundreds had been killed in this battle. He felt his stomach tighten as he tried to process that. He'd been at ground zero of a metahuman attack before he became a member of the Metahuman Agency. He remembered how terrifying it was...how monsters seem to come out of nowhere and began to destroy New York around his eyes. The screaming of people, the explosives quaking the ground, the rampant chaos...he couldn't have imagined what it had been like for all those poor civilians caught in this madness. And many had died, because they weren't fast enough. He shut his eyes, trying to process it all but he just...couldn't. It was too big, too much. He tried to take in the solace of what the President had said, that those cities hadn't been utterly destroyed and that millions of lives had been saved. Without them, Jacqueline would have wiped those cities off the face of the earth and who knows what she would have done next?

But still...hundreds were dead. Innocent people had died thanks to their battle. Jason felt a bit sick as he forced his eyes open. He just...couldn't deal with it now. He had to push away his thoughts or he would've been sick right then and there. Partially successfully, he managed to push his thoughts down but they continued to gnaw at him, chewing at his thoughts.

"So," Max cut in, adjusting himself on his chair. "...What happens to us now? The Director...you know what happened to her..." He pursed his lips. "We've ended the Skeleton Crew but we've got nothing now. No base, no resources...what are you planning to do with us, Mr. President?'

"Yeah..." Hiroshi mumbled, his nervous voice cracking slightly. "Uh...what happens to, um, us...next? You're not gonna..." He swallowed. "...dispose of us, right?"

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ