♥ 44 - triggers ♥

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(a/n: out of all the characters i think roman's been through the most and the worst :( my babyyyyy

im saying this rn because i know a lot of people will take virgil's side and yEs the emo boi is doing his best to support his friend who's struggling

BUT roman's been through so much shit like he literally inflicted self harm, got assaulted, and d i e d and he just wants to spend time with someone he loves and feels safe around, but that person is ignoring him almost completely.

he went over a week being ignored by his boyfriend and he understood until he finally spoke up because who else does he have except for thomas (who was very busy with the new sanders sides video), patton, and logan? (who are dating and are invested in each other and don't spend so much time around roman)

roman's just lonelyyyy

spoilers: by the end of this chapter you're probably going to take roman's side)

*tw: panic attack, mentions of rape and assault, dolos being a little bitch (i told you i might fuck him up just a tad), relationship issues*

Virgil wasn't in his room.

When we left though, we saw him walking down the hallway with a stack of papers and a key.

We followed him, doing our best to stay as quiet as possible.

When he got to the memory area, he closed the door behind him before we could get in as well, so we waited.

A couple minutes later, we heard loud sobbing from down the hall.

I grabbed Logan's hand and sprinted down to each room. Dolos was sleeping soundly. So if Virgil was in the memory area, and Logan was with me...

I ran to Roman's room and opened the door. He was trembling while hugging his pillow.

"G-Get away from m-m-me!" he screamed. "PLEASE!"

"Roman, it's Patton and Logan! We're you're friends and we won't hurt you, okay?"

"H-He said he w-wouldn't hurt m-me..."

His breathing was quickening by the second and he was soon struggling to breathe.

"Logan! Do something!" I said.

Logan got next to Roman and put his arm around him, but Roman jumped and completely covered himself with his blanket.

Virgil entered the room all of a sudden. "What's going on?"

"Roman's having a panic attack," I said quickly. "Help him!"

Virgil gasped and rushed to Roman's side. "Ro, I- I- I just wanted to put in your old memories so you could like the new Deceit more... I didn't know that it would hurt you like this, and if I'd known, I wouldn't have-"


Virgil moved forward and accidentally pushed Ronan against his headboard.

Roman screeched. "DON'T HURT ME!"

"What?! I wouldn't!"

"Don't do that... ever again. T-That's exactly what he did before he- he- FUCK!"

It took a lot of work... and Virgil had to leave the room... but Roman finally calmed down. We had to sleep on the floor of his room that night.

*roman's pov*

I went downstairs for breakfast and avoided eye contact with everyone. The many horrible memories gave me a headache.

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