overused plot: heartless billionaire ceo

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if you've ever dabbled in the young adult genre of wattpad, then you have no doubt seen a story like this. there's like, 1,000 of these on wattpad, probably (definitely) more, and most of them go like this:

main character is a girl who just became the secretary/maid (bonus points if she's a slave/bdsm is somehow involved) of a rich, hot, young, billionaire ceo. said ceo is most likely cold, heartless, rude, and generally a dick to the main character/everyone in the story. but then that thing happens where she falls for him anyway and "sees through his façade" and then he falls in love with her and it's all like "maybe the heartless billionaire found his heart after all" and it's just like

please. please stop this. not that it's a bad plot but like,, there are thousands of these out there. stop hitting copy and paste and replacing the names of the characters, please. i'm over it, was over it after the first few times and it's just tired. switch it up. not all billionaires are heartless and cold (rich people can be nice what a shocker!!?!!) and not all of them fall in love with/have an affair with their secretary. and for the love of god, PLEASE stop making female main characters fall for the worst guy in the story. like realistically, would you rather date the guy who's been a complete asshole to you the entire time you've known him simply because "you're below him", or would you rather date a guy who is kind, considerate, and has your best interest at heart. again, i say, LOGIC y'all. seriously lacking on this site.

EDIT: I wrote this three years ago. Ive changed my mind. fuck billionaires

A/N: to the two and a half people who read this, if i wrote a story would y'all check it out?

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