unrealistic storylines: badboy

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why is it that so many high school/teen stories follow this cliche bad boy/good girl trope?

okay, i don't have anything against the concept itself, but the fact that it's almost always the same story:

nerdy, innocent main character catches the popular bad boy's attention on the first day at her new school. he usually approaches her on a bet or dare (because women are just objects to play with for laughs lol) and eventually falls in love with her. if it's not a bet or dare, they get grouped up for a project, or even, just maybe, surprise! bad boy and good girl's parents just so happen to be old friends! what a coincidence right? and perhaps, good girls parents have to go out of town, so she stays with bad boys family and they fall in love uwu. this couple usually gets together with little to no problems, and if they do have problems, they manifest themselves as petty misunderstandings (i saw you kissing that girl how dare you !!!?!!11!!) or a popular girl who is /always/ blonde, a cheerleader, extremely possessive of the male protagonist, and really mean (stay away from my man!!) and-

come on y'all. seriously? every. single. time. we just have to keep ticking the boxes of stereotype after stereotype huh? now idk about y'all experiences but high school is nothing like this. my school has way too many people for there to be a such thing as 'the popular crowd' anyway. i'm not sure who came up with this extremely superficial image of high school and teenage relationships, but hollywood took it and ran with it and now it has infiltrated wattpad. truly, a damn shame.

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