fanfic cliches: smut oneshots

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now. this topic here, is an interesting one. since they're all so short, you'd have to have read a lot of these to form an opinion on them, which, don't ask.

if you're searching for smut oneshots of your faves, then you'll probably come across any of the following:

-a 1d imagines book
-a luke hemmings imagine book
-a book where all the characters are white
-really short, really raunchy, really bad smut
-unrealistic depictions of sex

and that's only to name a few. listen here, if you don't know how sex works, or even all of the other stuff that goes into it (literally have any of y'all ever heard of something called foreplay?? that's what takes up like, 80% of the time spent having sex) then you probably shouldn't be writing smut oneshots (virgins im looking at you [just kidding]). and if you are someone who doesn't know much about sex but you still want to write smut (and you're not like, twelve), instead of writing lame and obviously half-assed things like "he put his you-know-what in my hoo-hah and it was great XP", maybe you should take a trip to the worldwide web (the internet can be your friend sometimes, a wild concept, i know) and watch a few amateur videos, maybe do a little research and then you can attempt to write smut.

another complaint i have about these smut oneshots is that, like, 90% of them involve use of the daddy kink and/or baby girl kink. and yeah there's nothing wrong with that, not here to kinkshame or anything, but why is it always that? Why can't the people get soft! luke hemmings who likes being called cute or something? idk just a thought. not like i'm the one reading these (anymore), but for the people who do, i think some variety would be nice, you know?

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