You Were Never Enough

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Gold Digger!Reader

Songfic to: Never Enough - The Greatest Showman

Description: Reader felt that she deserved more than long ass rides in the Camaro and "dates" that were watching her boyfriend's basketball games.

Warnings: Curse words, mentions of sex

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm trying to hold my breath

Billy is...interesting. I started dating him in the beginning of our senior year, when he first moved to Hawkins, Indiana. When I first met him, I thought he was the biggest dipshit ever. But we eventually became friends. And then Tommy H set us up. And it worked out. Until now, that is. Me, Billy, Tommy and Carol are having what we call, a "Bitching Festival" at Carol's place. A Bitching Festival is when we get together, eat junk food and start bitching about the people we hate.

To be honest, I don't like it. I try my best to keep what I say about teachers so that I don't have to feel guilty about saying that I could hate one of my friends. I wanted to wait for a day for Billy not to come. So that I could tell Tommy and Carol that I was fed up with him. But he always came so that he wouldn't have to be responsible for his little sister, Max. I have to bite my tongue so that I don't yell at Billy. He's bashing Steve Harrington because of his previous title, "King Steve". Currently, Billy holds that title, but just the king of Hawkins. Steve is honestly a sweet person. He tries his best to make everything go right, and even if nothing did, he'd still try. The only reason why, in my opinion, Billy hates Steve is because he's everything he's not.

Let it stay this way

Can't let this moment end

I wanted to leave, but at the same time, I didn't want to. Being in the arms of Billy Hargrove is like hugging a giant teddy bear attached to an endless supply of heat. The ones you'd get for valentine's day and promposals. I could stay in his arms forever. But only if forever was the moments he'd keep his mouth shut. If he were a nicer person, I would've asked him if we could stay like that forever. But he wouldn't like my definition of forever.

You set off a dream in me

In the beginning, hanging around Billy made me a terrible person. I started seeing the worst in others instead of giving them a chance of breaking away from what others think of them. I broke a freshman's pencil because they wouldn't stop talking shit. Pretty crazy right? I got slapped in the face by my mother after I had refused to listen when she yelled at me for coming home 3 hours past my curfew in the weekends because of parties. That was my reality check. If you went back to a younger version of me, you'd never expect to see me at a party in the future. The way I would be all over Billy at parties would make you think that my parents were planning on disowning me after getting a call from Planned Parenthood.

Getting louder now

Can you hear it echoing?

Billy would sometimes tell me, late at night, that I make his heart skip a beat. That we're soulmates. I used to believe it. But the only echoing I hear now is my head pounding because of the "music" he plays so loudly in our drives home from school.

There was this one freshman on the Junior Varsity basketball team who knew how to push Billy's buttons. There was this one day, he came up to me, and said,

"Take my hand"

So I did as I was asked. I knew about the boy's feelings for me. I thought he was going to ask me out by doing some grand gesture. I decided to wait until he decided we'd gone far enough. He stopped outside the auditorium and opened the door for me and motioned for me to step inside. The stage was lit up with lights of all sorts of colors and a table with 2 plates on it. When I got there, my name had been written, in Sharpie, on a napkin and "B.H." on the other one. I knew immediately it was Billy. As soon as I sat down, the man himself approached me.

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