I Will Always Protect You

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pairing philip hamilton x twin sister!reader

A/N: so this is based off a dream i had recently about the north korean missiles. i'm not saying that i hate anybody. but if you get offended by the mentions of missiles, please tell me. and if you are a trump supporter, please stay away from my page. i hate what's going on in our world right now and i wish that everybody could just come together and be friends. i highly dislike racists, i highly dislike homophobics, i highly dislike people who are against any religion and i highly dislike white supremacists. i'm gonna stop there so that i don't cause anything politics-related.

warnings: missles, mentions of death, tears.

WC: 788

ah, finally. the end of 8th grade. but also one of the worst days ever. in my school, in the last week of school, there would be one day where you were able to check out your classes for the next year. my brother, philip and i went to a k-12th grade school. and apparently my 1st period was supposed to be music with mrs. bakos.

"does anybody feel confident as a singer?" mrs. bakos asked.

i raised my hand very slowly. i had performed in school plays before so yeah, i had to be confident.

"ms. hamilton. how about you sing us a song?" mrs. bakos said.

"oh no thank you. i didn't know you actually wanted me to sing." i laughed nervously.

"well this is music class." mrs. bakos said with a smile.

i decided to sing a song called 'the story of tonight'. my dad's late friend, john laurens wrote it before he was gone. god bless that man.

'raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away no matter what they tell you.'

'raise a glass to the four of us. tomorrow, there'll be more of us. telling the story of tonight.'

'raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away no matter what they tell you.' 

(and for some reason in my dream, I didn't sing the whole thing wtf)

'they'll tell the story of tonight.'

i was so nervous that I could barely sing the last word. i was shaking so much! there was no applause for some reason though.

later on, we were cleaning out our lockers. philip and i had  finished at the same time. (#SiblingGoals) when we finished, we sat against our lockers and just talked.

"you ready for summer?" philip asked.

"knowing that the majority of my friends are going to that one high school right down the road from our house? i don't think so." i replied.

"those were all fake friends, y/n. you should be happy." philip said.

right before i said something, i got cut off.

"y/n come look out the window! there's a labrodoodle!" my best friend, tessi called out.

"so cute!" i yelled.

"hey, tessi and y/n. could you two run back to my classroom and close my window? there was a really loud spider and you know how scared i am of spiders." mr. smee asked.

so tessi and i ran to mr. smee's classroom. right when i touched the window, i heard screaming.

"EVERYBODY OUT OF THE HALLWAYS RIGHT NOW!" the assistant principle yelled.

"what's going on?" i asked tessi. 

"i don't know." tessi replied.

just then a very loud alarm went off. like the kind that went off during WWII. like the ones that signaled you needed to take shelter before there was supposed to be a bombing.

"what's that noise?" tessi yelled.

"it's the missles!" i yelled.

"i thought they were going to hawaii and california." tessi yelled, starting to cry.

"i guess not." i replied.

the both of us ran to the gym which was the lowest part of the school. it was also the sketchiest but it was the best we had.

"has anyone seen philip? philip?" i yelled out. (ITH reference)

"y/n," philip said as he ran over to hug me. "This is not real." 

"what do you mean?" i said looking back up at him.

"none of this is real. there's no such thing as donald trump. our president is john adams. you don't go to school. mom and dad still aren't on speaking terms." philip explained. (okay this part didn't happen but just bear with me.)

i gasped as i woke up.

"woah." i said.

"yeah. and what are missiles?" philip asked.

"i don't even know," i laughed. "but i think we were about to be killed."

"i wouldn't let that happen. i'll always protect you, y/n." he said.

"aren't i supposed to do that? me being the oldest and everything?" i asked.

"go back to sleep." philip said with a laugh.

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