I Can't Believe I'm Doing This

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pairing: james madison x reader
title: i can't believe i'm doing this.
description: james has a girlfriend who happens to be mary's best friend, dolley. mary always liked james. while dolley is away, mary let's herself go with james and accidentally has an affair.
prompt: #3: "what can i help you with?" "leaving me alone would be helpful."
request: none
WC: 588
warnings: none, i think.

"mary, what?" dolley said, on the verge of tears.

"i'm sorry, dolley it was a big mistake!" mary said, crying.

"no, the big mistake was you existing!" dolley yelled and ran away.
you're probably wondering how all of this happened. Well, let's rewind.
it was spring break. mary was staying at home. but her best friend, dolley was going to italy and coming home in october. her other friend and crush, james was staying too. dolley was dating james, so mary kept her limits. it wouldn't be fair if james and mary went behind dolley's back. dolley boarded her ship about an hour ago. james and mary were in mary's backyard, side-by-side talking about life.

"what do you wanna be when you grow up, james?" mary asked james.

"i want to be president. how about you?" james replied.

"i want to be a tailor. i heard it's lots of fun." mary said.

"mary, women can't work." james said.

"really? then how come alex's mom owned a boutique?" mary asked.

"that's only if you're a widow or if you get a divorce." james said.
mary rolled her eyes in response.

"if you ever do become president, can you promise me something?" mary asked, turning her head to look at her best friend.

"anything" james replied, doing the same.

"i want women to have the same rights as men. if we say 'all men are created equal' in the constitution, it means that even women are equal to men." mary said.

"alright. i'll try." james said.

james put his arm around mary.

"james, what are you doing?" mary asked, her face burning up.

"what? you don't like it?" james asked.

"no, it's just that you're with dolley. and—"

"but is dolley here right now?" james asked, cutting her off.

"no" mary replied.

"so why are we protesting?" james asked with a smirk.

the night was filled with many kisses. the two acted like a married couple. mary felt really bad. but she loved james more than anything. she needed this.

in october, when dolley finally came back, mary and james stopped seeing each other. though, james showed less interests in dolley. which confused her very much.

later, in december, the information about the affair had been released by one of james' family members who brought up the subject while he was drunk. the news spread everywhere. dolley soon found out and was pissed.
how could they do this! she thought.

and with that she decided to confront mary about it.

"i'm telling you i literally cried for 6 months because of it!" mary said.

lies, dolley thought.

dolley decided to talk to mary about it during chorus since they sat next to each other. james also sat next to mary.

"what can I help you with, mary?" james asked.

"leaving me alone would be nice." mary replied.

"well if you don't want to talk, don't act like we're married." james said.

"mary, what?" dolley said, on the verge of tears.

"i'm sorry, dolley it was a big mistake!" mary said, crying.

"no, the big mistake was you existing!" dolley yelled and ran away.

{June 18, 2017 11:55PM}

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