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a   d o g   c h a n g e d   m y   l i f e   c h o i c e s ?

Saying that Jungkook had a bad day might be an understatement. To be honest, he had a very very very bad day. Firstly he was fired from his job of pizza delivery because he was 56 seconds late. Seriously? 56 seconds? Are you insane?

Then he managed to get chased by a dog for 20 minutes. Why was his life like this? A freaking dog was making him question his life choices.

Then he accidentally bumped into an old man. Mind you, Jungkook bumped accidentally. Then that old man spent a good amount of his time in lecturing him about how to make good use of his two eyes.


Currently, he was walking on the streets of Seoul where there were expensive restaurants and cafe only. He couldn't afford going to such places given his financial situation but he could at least try to get a job.

Boi needed a job desperately.

After getting rejected in 3 cafes he drags his feet to the bus stop because he does not have the energy to walk home.

He was rejected because 'we can't allow kids here' policy. People with experience can only work here.' Jungkook wondered if those café owners hired old men with experience.

What a joke.

His life: a joke

Suddenly he feels something rubbing against his feet and to his surprise it's a small brown pup looking at him with his perfect features.

Jungkook internally mewls at the cute pup and picks him up.

"Aww baby! What's your name baby? You are soooooo cute!"

Jungkook sweet talks to the pup as if he's gonna magically answer him saying that 'hi my name's yeontan and let go of me because your hands are dirty'

No! Just no!

Jungkook rubs his nose on the soft fur and coos.

Don't judge him please! He's just a 18 year old boy who loves puppies.

"You are lost right…hmm, your owner might be looking for you. Let's search for them. Okay"

He patted the pup and held him in his arms before looking for it's owner.

1 hour later—

"Hey pup- there's no one looking for you. I wonder how careless your owner is. If we don't find them then you can stay with me okay? We'll be good friends!"

Jungkook happily skipped through the busy sidewalk of Seoul. He knew that it's not possible to find the crazy owner of pup in one day so he was willing to keep the pup to himself. Until someone claims him.

He wondered if the pup might be thirsty.

So he made his way to the park and took a water bottle from the vending machine.

He sat on a bench and played with the pup for a while.

"Are you thirsty pup? I got some water for you! But jungkook wants a kissy from puppy first"

As if the pup understood jungkook, he quickly jumped in his arms and licked his cheeks.

"Aww puppy! You are so cute. Now drink this water kay?"

The small pup yelped and sipped from the cup. Jungkook was cooing and screaming inwardly.

They played for a while until a voice cut through their laughs like an arrow shot through air.

"May I ask you what are you doing with my pup?"

todays question:

Can a dog make you question your life choices?
anygays~ hope you liked this chapter! Next chapter, things get heated 👀


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