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Taehyung woke up early because he was excited that his bunny was coming to his mansion.

Early in the morning he had dyed his hair to blonde because he felt like it. Infact he was pretty fond of coloring his hair, wearing expensive brands of clothes and different accessories. He was quite proud of his earring collection. (Reference picture on top)

Suddenly one of his workers knocked on the door. He asked him to come inside.

"Sir, your father is here to meet you and is waiting for you in the hall."

Taehyung clicked his tongue and asked the servant to leave. His mood was spoiled now.

He made his way towards the main hall after putting on his chanel earring.

There he saw a man in his late 50s sitting on the grand couch. His father.

"Morning father, what brings you here this early?", taehyung asked.

His father eyed him and instead of answering, he mocked a laugh.

"You dyed your hair again? Do you think you are a kpop idol huh? Look at you haha...you look like a clown", taehyung's father laughed like a lunatic.

Taehyung chose to stay quiet.

"And what are these paintings taehyung? Do you still dream of becoming a painter? Do I need to remind you again brat? Stay in your limits and manage the hotels."

The old man mocked.

Taehyung looked down biting his lips. All of his past was crashing on him.

"I do painting in my free time. Your company is doing good. No need to worry"

Taehyung said bitterly. The old man hummed and looked at taehyung.

"Get married to Reiko before the end of this year otherwise you know what I'll do.", He commanded.

Taehyung's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Affirmative father."

The old man gave him a nasty smile and made his way out of the mansion.

Taehyung was exhausted. He was tired of his father. He lay down on one of the couches.

As taehyung's father made his way out of the mansion he saw a young boy talking with security.

He went over there to inquire what was happening but as soon as he saw the boy's face, he was stunned.

"J-Jeon...", He stuttered.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He went closer to the boy.

"Excuse me boy, but who are you and what are you doing here?", The old man composed himself and inquired.

"Hello! I'm jungkook and I'm here because taehyung called me for a job", jungkook said.

The old man nodded dumbly and left the place. Something was not right.

Jungkook was granted permission by the security so he made his way inside the mansion. It was a very grand place with a beautiful garden. There was a pool too.

Jungkook was in awe.

'fuck capitalism' he thought.

He made his way in the beautiful castle like place and walked slowly on purpose so that he could see the place.

He entered the main hall and saw taehyung with dyed blonde hair, lying on the couch. 

Jungkook's heart exploded because that sight looked ethereal. Taehyung looked like a prince and he wasn't doing anything.

Jungkook mentally scolded himself for thinking like this.

He made his way towards the older and was about to poke his cheeks when suddenly taehyung's hands wrapped around his waist and pulled him on the couch.

Within seconds, taehyung flipped jungkook and now he was on top of his bunny boy.

Saying that jungkook was looking beautiful might be a understatement. His doe eyes were wide open with pink blush adorning his fair cheeks. His lips were parted and he was breathing heavily because of the sudden change in positions. His hair was sprawled and he was looking directly into taehyung's deep mysterious eyes.

Time seemed to have stopped at the moment. They were staring in each other's eyes. Taehyung wanted to take his bunny then and there. He stroked the younger's cheeks gently and then pushed his hair behind his ear.

Jungkook's heart was hammering against his chest. Taehyung was a temptation to him. He was enjoying the older's hands on him even though it felt wrong.

"Hyung...", He whispered slowly.

Taehyung gently put his finger on the younger's soft lips.

"Shhh...not now petal", taehyung said and moved his fingers across the younger's pink, soft lips.

Jungkook's mind was short-circuiting. He quickly bit taehyung's fingers harshly because of which the older had to get up.

"Jungkook what the— why did you do that? It hurts!", Taehyung cried dramatically.

Jungkook glared at the older.

"Creepy bitch stop overreacting. And don't you dare call me petal you old man. I'm not the person with whom you can fulfill your dried up flowers agenda."

Jungkook shouted.

"Fine brat." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"And don't you dare come near me you pedo. I'll throw you down a cliff if you do so." Jungkook shouted again and crossed his arm against his chest.

"I was sleepy okay? I'm sorry for doing what I did", taehyung apologized.

Jungkook ignored the other.

"Where's yeontan?"He asked, not wanting to create more drama.

"Follow me"

Taehyung said calmly and started walking towards tannie's room.


we are starting with drama now. Lots of mysteries ahead ❤️


bunny boy  || taekook Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora