Chapter 3: The Apprenticed Prince

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor the legend of King Arthur






Chapter 3: The Apprenticed Prince

The next day...

Hadrian stood across from Morgana, in between them sat a cauldron, "Now, pay careful attention to the amount of the ingredients I put into the cauldron, too much and it will overflow and dissolve your clothes, causing welts to appear on your skin. Too little, and the potion will solidify too quickly making it useless." Morgana instructed,

Hadrian nodded, watching as Morgana emptied a 10g vial of Yerba Mate, three claws worth of powdered bear claws, and a singular ginger root - diced into 1 cubic cm pieces.

"Now stir once in each direction. Then take the cauldron off the fire and let it cool." She said, performing the actions as she said them.

Hadrian watched as the mixture gained a tangerine color.

Morgana used a spell to alert her when the potion was reached the correct temperature, "When it has cooled, you will have 15 doses of Rejuvenation Draught. While we wait for it too cool, let's move on to the storage of ingredients. Plant-based ingredients should be stored in..." She trailed off,

"Dry places, in containers resistant to water, in an area away from sources of heat," Hadrian answered, causing Morgana to grin.

"You learn quickly," Morgana complimented, "Now, what about animal-based ingredients?"

"They should be placed in warm areas, with low light, and kept separate from each other."

"And finally, mineral-based."

"Almost anywhere, as long as they are stored in dry, airtight containers."

Morgana clapped, "Very good, you just memorized a fortnight's curriculum in an afternoon."

Hadrian blushed, unaccustomed to praise.

Morgana looked at the cauldron with the potion in it, "Your next task is to brew a batch of Rejuvenation Potion, use the orange-bound book if you need a reminder on the process."

Hadrian nodded and went to the back of the store to grab the book and the right sized cauldron , before setting it on one of the stands near the front so that Morgana could intercede if needed. Hadrian opened the book to the correct page before going to gather the ingredients needed.

'10g of Yerba Mate, 3 bear claws, and a ginger root.' Hadrian listed mentally,

Hadrian arrayed the ingredients next to the cauldron, which he then filled with water and put over a fire. 'It needs to boil for at least three minutes before I add the first ingredient, enough time for me to prepare the Ginger and Bear claws.' Hadrian thought, grabbing a Mortar and Pestle to start grinding the the claws, once finished, he diced the ginger root, scraping the finished product into the bubbling cauldron, he then dumped the Yerba Mate in followed closely by the bear claws 'Now to stir the cauldron, once in each direction.' he thought, stirring with a silver stirring rod. Hadrian then extinguished the flames and set the cauldron aside to cool,

Twenty minutes later, the potion was cooled, taking a red-orange hue.

"The bear claws were not fine enough, and the ginger root was cut too thickly." Morgana commented, inspecting the potion, "But more than good enough for sale and personal use."

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