Chapter 2: The Beginnings of a Court

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(A/N): Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER, I had to take a break, A lot has happened in my life so I was busy adjusting and working to try and stabilize everything. In reparation for that though, here's three chapters.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or the many legends of King Arthur






Chapter 2: The Beginnings of a Court

Hadrian, Arthur and Gringott spoke for a while longer, deciding to announce the resurgence of the Pendragon family through Hogwarts, as almost all students there would have heard the tale of Merlin, and thus King Arthur Pendragon. Gringott took them to the Pendragon vault, the main treasury for all of Arthur's kingdom, which sat behind a large portcullis, made entirely of Mithril! The portcullis was not the only thing however, behind it stood two great statues, which, Hadrian reckoned, were over 100 feet tall. One would not think much of them, but suddenly the twin statues bowed in perfect sync, they were perfect golems, which were animated with artificial consciousness. When they opened the massive gate to the treasury, Hadrian was amazed, in the room sat the most gold he was ever seen! Massive mountains of Galleons, Gold bars, Silver, and even Mithril were stacked, the coins forming mountains which dwarfed the party, the bars stacked in massive towers, some of which seemed to be scraping the ceiling, which stood easily 50 feet over the floor. A long pathway was cleared through the center of the vault, leading to a wall on which sat six paintings, which seemed to be talking to one another. As they got closer, the paintings quieted down, and when they had gotten within 20 feet of them, Hadrian recognized the figures on them.

Hung on the wall, from left to right, was Merlin Emrys himself, sporting a white beard that hung down to his waist, his green eyes shone with knowledge as he gave the group a small smile. Next was Godric Gryffindor, who stood tall, his sword in front of him like a walking stick, his hair appearing as if he had a lion's mane, his green eyes sparkled with mischief as he grinned at them. Rowena Ravenclaw was next, her black hair trailing down past her shoulders like silk. Her diadem sat proudly atop her head, and wisdom shone through her eyes, which regarded them all with stoic indifference. After her was the slightly portly figure of Helga Hufflepuff, her brown hair tied back in a bun, her chalice was in her hand, and it appeared to be filled with red wine, as she poured some into it before taking a sip, and smiled warmly at the three, her eyes shining with warmth and kindness. To her left sat Salazar Slytherin, his salt and pepper beard sat at his collarbone, an amulet gleamed around his neck, depicting a snake forming the letter S, he looked on with a slight smirk. Last but not least, standing in his portrait was King Arthur's Father, King Uther Pendragon! His gray, thinning hair matched in color to his eyes, on his brow sat an nondescript crown, lacking any jewels or fancy ornamentation other than some crenellation at the top and some bulges of gold that sat periodically around it. He wore a proud smile on his face, finally seeing the face of his son and, from what he could tell, grandson.

"Arthur, My son! It is so glad to finally see you again! Magic has informed us of the recent developments, it is nice to meet you, my grandson." Uther cheered, spreading his arms to the side,

Merlin smiled as well, "It is good to see that you have finally received a worthy heir. It is a pleasure to meet my future student, speaking of which, I believe that Morgana still lives, as her portrait has not yet animated." He said, gesturing to a painting of a brown haired woman, her eyes seemed to be directed at some distant object to the side of the viewer.

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