Prologue: Paved With Good Intentions

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or the legend of King Arthur






Prologue: Paved With Good Intentions

The Potter family was ecstatic, the dying line now had, not one, but two heirs: Hadrian "Harry" James Potter and his older twin brother Charlus Ignatius Potter. The twins were born on July 31 1980, Charlus was born at 11:59 PM, one minute before midnight, and Harry was born at 12:01 AM October 1 1980. Everyone they knew had come to visit and congratulate the couple: Dumbledore, the Longbottoms, Sirius and Remus, Peter, even Severus! For that moment, the war with Voldemort was forgotten, everyone was happy for the couple, Severus was just happy for Lily though.

Life for the new family was nice enough, the babies had been spoiled by their parents, but that all changed one fateful Samhain night. The day had begun normal enough, Charlus, or Charles as Sirius insisted to call him, had been fussy, while Harry was unusually quiet for a baby; only crying when hungry or needed to be changed. James and Lily were sitting in the front room when the door was busted down and Voldemort came in,

"Lily! Go get the kids and get out of here!" He said, drawing his wand and dueling, buying time for his wife to run upstairs and get to the twins' room. However, he was soon knocked out by a Stupefy spell, and Voldemort stepped over him as he walked upstairs. "I will deal with you later."

Breaking the door down, sending fragments everywhere, the Dark Lord marched into the nursery, quickly dispatching of Lily with a levitated chair. Voldemort looked at the two boys, "Better safe than sorry," he muttered, "Avada Kedavra!" he cast, pointing his wand at Harry, when something unexpected happened.

A golden crown symbol appeared in front of Harry, causing the spell to rebound off of the shield, the Killing Curse struck Voldemort in the chest. Two scars were left that night, One shaped roughly like the letters LV on Charles' forehead; and one shaped like a crown on Harry's cheek, right under his emerald eye.

An hour later, Dumbledore came in, waking up James and rushing up to the twin's room, where he woke up Lily and looked over at Charles.

"So he is The Boy-Who-Lived." Dumbledore stated, awestruck, "I never expected that the prophecy would mean a baby."

Lily and James went over to Dumbledore and started discussing the prophecy and started wondering what to do; what no one realized was that Harry, the normally silent child, was now bawling, the noise being drowned out by that of Charles.

Dumbledore then noticed something, "Oh dear."

Lily looked to him, "What's wrong Albus?"

Dumbledore looked to the Potter parents, "Charles' core is failing, if we don't transfer someone else's into his, it will split and he will be unable to do magic."

The two adults gasped, "No... who can give the core though? We can't ask just anyone can we?" Lily asked, barely holding back tears.

Dumbledore gained a sad smile on his face, "For a 100% chance of success, only a twin's core can be used. I will take the two and do the transfer, as it is not something you will want to witness as parents."

With that, Dumbledore left, and returned the next morning with the twins, Harry now had no magic, it being stolen by his brother.


Nine years later saw Charles being pampered, the now somewhat overweight boy was spoiled, given anything he wanted. Harry watched as James and Lily, as he refused to call them his parents, celebrated Charles' birthday.

Why can't they ever do that with me? Harry wondered, Why is it always Charlus that they pay attention to, while I get thrown to the wolves?

Harry was a very intelligent child, he had taken a liking to reading since his parent's wouldn't spend time with him. As such, he knew that, as he was the younger child, he was to become the heir to his mother's house, which, while not much, meant he still would be a Lord with all the rights that come with it. He had taken some comfort in that fact, that was, until he heard what Lily and James said,

"We decided something that we wanted to announce, we decided to give Charles the title of heir to the Potter and Evans lines!" James announced, and in that one line broke all ties he would ever could have forged with Harry.

Severus sneered, "So you will steal your youngest son's birthright, just as you stole from him his magic? You disgust me Potter, and I thought you were better than this Lily, I was mistaken apparently."

Harry gasped quietly, before he sobbed and ran out of Potter Manor, he couldn't believe his parents, he had been told that he hadn't been magical to begin with, a squib. Harry ran and ran for hours, only stopping when he found a decrepit castle. The banners of the castle had long since faded, but still flapped proudly from the towers which stood like aged guardians, crumbling and chipped but still standing. The large, oaken gates of the castle seemed to call to Harry, beckoning him towards them and seemingly welcoming him home.

Harry touched the door hesitantly, but smiled as the door seemed to dance under his fingertips, his upbringing in a magical home allowed him to sense the magic in the door, which became gleeful at his very touch. Opening the door, Harry was in awe of the difference between the outside of the castle and the inside, the entrance hall seemed as if it hadn't aged a day, and untouched by the hands of time. One the far end of the room sat a throne, flanked either side by violet banners displaying a coat of arms, two golden dragons facing away from each other on a green shield. On the throne sat a lone figure, his outfit obviously having come from a long bygone age, his face, while holding a stern expression, had a sort of warmth to it, shown most blatantly in his eyes; and held the wrinkles and crease of a man who had served a fair time on Earth.

"Who are you?" The figure asked, "And how have you come across this place?"

Harry, startled by the man's sudden question jumped in fright, "I-i am Harry, sir. I was running from my family a-and I came across the castle and it- it was almost welcoming me."

The old man stood up, "Do you have any idea where you now stand child? Or who it is you are standing in front of?"

Harry shook his head, scared for his life,

The old man's stern demeanor fell at the expression of fear on the child's face,

"Child, you have naught to fear from me." he comforted, "I am Arthur Pendragon, better known as King Arthur, head of the Knights of the Round Table. You are currently in my castle of Avalon."

Harry looked up in shock, "Y-you are King Arthur? I-i read about your legends and adventures! But, how are you still alive? You should be about one and a half millennia old."

King Arthur chuckled, "One of the many things Merlin and I had worked on, this castle had a charm on it, near the end of my 80's Merlin placed the charm to slow the time in the castle to a near stop until a suitable heir for my kingdom was found, as you entered, those wards broke."

Harry's eyes widened, "So I am to become the next King of England?"

King Arthur nodded, "Magically, yes. All magical enchantments cast in England will recognize you as their true master, this is again due to Merlin's wards and charms."

Harry looked down at this, "S-sir, I-i can't use magic, my core was given to my brother in order to save his."

King Arthur frowned, "Your parents are terrible ones then however, as my heir my sword Excalibur will recognize you as it's wielder. The blade is sentient, and will be able to cast spells for you, all you must do is put energy into the gems of the sword, which will store it until needed. To bring on a brighter topic, as my heir, you should rightfully be my son, would you like to become a Pendragon?"

Harry's eyes widened and watered, before he tightly hugged Arthur, sobbing, "Thank you! Thank you!" He chanted, over and over.

King Arthur smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around the sobbing boy, comforting him and welcoming him to his family.

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