Chapter 4: Preparations

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or the Legends of King Arthur







Chapter 4: Preparations

Two years later, the day before Hadrian's Eleventh Birthday

Hadrian floo'd home, his lesson with Morgana having finished an hour ago but she celebrated him brewing the first of the potions he would need for his O.W.L's by allowing him to choose their next lesson topic. Hadrian had chosen Metamorphmagus and Morgana had taught him how to change basic characteristics of his appearance and currently was looking like an albino.

Merlin chuckled as Hadrian arrived, "Practicing your Metamorph abilities? Good job so far, as you get more advanced you will be able to change your body mass."

Hadrian smiled, "Thank you Uncle Merlin."

Over the last two years, Hadrian had grown close with the portraits, even Salazar, who warmed up to him upon the discovery of Hadrian's Parseltongue abilities. He now had three 'uncles' as well as three 'aunts'

"I can't wait to see how dad reacts to this."

"He will be confused, maybe a little disappointed, but once you explain-" Merlin was cut off by Arthur entering the room

Arthur looked to Hadrian, blinked once, twice, and then sighed, "What happened?"

Hadrian scratched the back of his neck, "Potions accident..."

"Will it wear off?"

Hadrian had his hair turn gunmetal gray, and his eyes orange, "Eventually, Morgana said it would take a few."

Arthur smirked, "Now would you mind turning back to normal? I was there when Merlin told you your affinities."

Hadrian blushed as his features returned to normal, "Forgot about that."

Arthur chuckled, "You have to know these things when you're king."

Hadrian pouted, "You still could have gone along with it."

Arthur chuckled, "It's no fun when it's a family member you are double tricking."

Arthur put his hand on Hadrian's shoulder, "Now, your aunts and uncles wished to tell you something and ask a very important question."

Hadrian followed his father to what they called the 'Council Hall' where they kept the Founders' portraits, but they could travel to any painting on the walls of Avalon. The hall included the new Round Table, which was more of a ring shape, but kept the design of the original (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword).

"Hadrian! Over here lad!" Godric called, beckoning Hadrian closer,

Hadrian walked over to the four founders, who all smiled warmly at him,

"As you know Hadrian, your eleventh birthday is tomorrow, and as such you will be receiving your invitation to attend Hogwarts, we wished to ask if, well, if you would be ok with bringing us with you? We wish to see the old castle again." Rowena began,

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