Chapter 28- Death

Start from the beginning


You rushed down the steps but it wasn't quick enough. You were limping and Haku was starting to slow in his breathing.

Think Y/N... how can you...

You looked at the window an idea popping into your head. The house was beginning to light up as the shadows left. The house was ruined but it could be fixed with a hella lot of TLC.

You backed up, aiming your head for the wide window.

"Hold on" you rushed for the window and just be for crashing through you jumped and turned so you could curl around Haku, protecting him.

As the wind rushed by and you fell to the ground you couldn't help but think. After everything he has done, you were here saving him, again. You didn't understand your mind. You kept on saving him each time he broke your heart. What was wrong with you?

The air winded from your lungs as you crashed into the hard ground. You lay on the ground staring at the clouds above, unable to move or breathe. The pain was becoming distant. The sounds of shouting and footsteps beginning to be faint. Haku clawing at your fur and shouting your name...

Your name?...

Your vision was darkening and you saw stars.

But it was day time?...

You couldn't move. You tried to lift a claw but... you couldn't.

Your eyes flickered, trying to focus on Haku as he cried and held onto your furry neck. You felt a rush of adrenaline and slowly lifted your leg to his back. You hugged him weakly, before you felt your self slipping.



You couldn't see anymore. Your feeling was gone and you don't have to breathe. You floated in a black abyss. It was empty and silent.

Were you dead?...

Haku's POV

She's gone.

She's dead.

She won't breathe.

She won't move.

"YYYYYY/NNNNNN!!!!" I roared trying to will her to live. I kneeled over her, bringing her furry head to my body as I sobbed into her neck. She didn't deserve to die like this. It wasn't fair. She deserved to live. She couldn't die because of me. I was supposed to die. I broke her heart, I tore her apart and now, she was gone.

And I couldn't save her.

I couldn't protect her.

I failed her.

I was useless.

My tears soaked her red, black and white fur as I pleaded for her to come back to me.

"I'm so sorry Y/N! You didn't know the whole story and I never told you. You were heartbroken and upset and I never helped you! I never... I never... Y/N!" I wailed even louder. I felt hands grab my arms and pull me back. I kicked and writhed in the grip of the spirits who were trying to help me. "NO!" Other spirits closed her eyes and picked her off of the ground. Her beautiful dragon body being carried to the ocean. "STOP!! DONT TAKE HER AWAY!!!" I sobbed as I tried to run for her. The spirits dragged me backwards, attempting to treat my stab wound as I struggled to get to Y/N.

"I LOVE YOU. I PROMISE YOU ILL LOVE YOU TILL I DIE!" I shouted after her as she was carried away.

"I love you..." I whispered as the tears fell onto my feet as I sobbed and wailed for her.

"It's for the best" a sweet melodic voice spoke from behind me.

My body shook with pain and tears.

I'll see you soon.

I looked at the grinning face of Chihiro.

Sooner than you think, love.

Hmm... this is dramatic.

Shoutout to some commenters and EXTREMELY faithful readers!!


If you weren't mentioned and you haven't been mentioned. It's simply because I haven't seen your username commenting or voting.


Welp, your seemingly dead now so... how are ya gonna fix that?

Cookies and cream,


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