Chapter 14:" J-Jackson"

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Author's note: This is a re-uplaoded chapter. Wattpad has been having issues and completely switched up the order of my chapters. I had to spend a good 1 in a half hours re-organizing everything. Smh.



The word used to roll so easily off my tongue but now it just seemed...foreign.

Unheard off.

But at this very moment, I stood in front of my childhood home.

So many memories were constructed and made inside those very walls.

My first word, which was 'cheese'. I know right, out of all the things I could have possibly said.

My first step. I fell right after, but it still technically counts.

My first day of school. I remember being super nervous, and to calm me down, dad let me bring my favorite stuffed animal to school, I called her Mrs.Buttercup.

I got made fun off but it brought a piece of comfort and home with me at all times.

The first time I got Curo, our family dog.

My first period. Freaked out and thought the devil had possessed me. Mum calmed me down though.

The "talk" that my dad had to awkwardly have with me on my thirteenth birthday.

My first boyfriend. I was fifteen and he also took my first kiss away. Didn't work out. He was a total douchebag and now that I think about it, a complete fuckboy.

My first break up.

I had to talk dad out of breaking his nose.

The first time dad lost a job.

The first time I witnessed my parents fight.

The first time my dad stormed off and didn't come back for a couple of days.

The first time I noticed his 'off' behavior.

The first time I caught him smoking pot.

The first time I left the house and ran to my best friend's house.

The first time I stopped loving my dad.

The first time I started noticing mum getting noticeably worse. Emotionally and physically.

The first time I met Dustin.

The first time I began forgetting my family drama and feeling...myself, again.

My second break up.

And now

here I was.

Back to where it all started.

I began walking up the steps to the front porch, and as soon as I did this, Curo's loud barks startle me.

I jump in content and rush for the door.

When I reach for the knob and twist it open, it opens with a loud creak.

I step into the dark house before closing the door behind me.

I clutch my fists at my sides as I slowly make my way into the house.

"Curo" I whisper

His barks drown out to almost nothing.

And then, silence.

Utter silence.

I begin moving towards the living room, my only guide being my memory and the occasional reach of hands to check if there was a wall or piece of furniture in front of me.

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