Chapter 22: "You know I love it when you squirm"

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Author's note: We're almost at 600 reads! Keep it going fam :)

(VERY mature (sexual) scenes in this chapter!!)


Marianna's Pov

Start struck, I stand absolutely still, my eyes wide in surprise and my mouth hung open.

He gives me a smirk before closing my mouth.

"You'll catch flies, dear" He says before giving me a wink, turning on his heel and walking off.




Still trying to process the past ten seconds, I absentmindedly touch my now swollen lips.

I could still fee his lips against mine.

There was no denying that this boy was a good kisser. Probably the best I've ever had.

Snapping back into reality, I clear my throat, adjust my dress and reapply my lipstick before walking back towards the dining room.


Diner was excruciatingly awkward on my end.

I tried and succeeded in avoiding his eyes throughout the entire time. But I could still feel his eyes burning into the left side of my face.

Jackson and Mr. Silk, on the other hand, couldn't stop talking.

Which I also tried to ignore.


By the time Jackson and I got back home, I was exhausted.

When I get into my room, I slip my heels off, my dress soon following.

Heading into my bathroom, I switch the lights on before facing myself in the mirror.

Heading into my bathroom, I switch the lights on before facing myself in the mirror

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I intently stare at myself before reaching out to touch my lips again.

I just couldn't get that kiss out of my head and honestly just thinking about it made me all hot and bothered on the inside.

Closing my eyes, I relish in the kiss.

And I swear I could feel him kissing me again.

Except that this time, I was kissing him back.


Jackson's Pov...

I could have gone anywhere in the house.

Absolutely any fucking where but

somehow, I found myself in her room.

Watching her sleeping form.

In absolute rage.

I had just gotten off the phone with one of my buyers.

Well, old buyers. And he just broke the news to me that he'd found another dealer. A better dealer.

Sold for A Thousand dollars!(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora