Chapter 8: "...Greyson"

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One of his guards walks in with a metal bat in hand.

My eyes widen as I furiously shake my head no.

I lock eyes with Jackson.

"I'm sorry. Please don't do t_"

"Silence. I will show you once and for all what it is truly like to defy me" He snaps

Without looking away, he snaps his fingers.

"Untie her" He says

The guard gives Jackson the bat before walking over to me. He takes out the key for the chains and unlocks them.

Immediately, I stand up whilst hugging myself.

I begin moving back and let out a gasp when my back hits the metal wall.

"Leave us"


For a few moments, all he does is stare at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Mr. Krey, please I'm so_"

He interrupts me by taking quick long strides towards me. I gasp when he's huge hands clasp around my neck tightly. I attempt to loosen his hold but my efforts go unnoticed.

He places the bat on the side of my face, grazing my left cheek with it.

"Do you enjoying disrespecting me? Is that it?" He says in a low and unsteady voice.

I shake my head no.

"Yet that is all you do"

He suddenly lets go of me and I instantly drop to the floor on all fours as I attempt to catch my breath.

As I was about to look up, I felt an intense pain across my left cheek.

I yelled at the impact as I fell face flat on the hard metal floor.

He hit me

I begin to sob uncontrollably as the pain was becoming too unbearable. I hear his footsteps echo in the small room but don't even bother to look up.

"Get up" He snaps

I attempt to get on my all fours again but am stopped midway when I feel the bat right on my stomach.

I let out a screech before dropping onto the floor again.

I definitely heard a crack.

"Please stop" I struggle to say as the metallic taste of blood begins to fill my mouth.

"Oh, we're just getting started, princess"

I slightly turn my head to the right and see him running towards me, the bath swung high up.


My screams bounced off the metallic walls and echoed throughout the small room.


~1 week later~


"Mr.Krey is busy" I hear my guards reason from outside my office.

This sparks my interest and I look up from all the boring paperwork I had to read through.

"Get out of my way" I hear an all too familiar voice yell

"Let him in" I yell

The doors to my office are yanked open and he wastes no time storming in.

"Are you out of your mind?" He yells

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