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Authors Note:

Hello everyone~ I'm currently typing this during my hiatus. It's only been 3 days since I announced my leave for a bit and I'm already in the mood to type lol. But I hope you're all doing okay, I hope the wait wasn't or won't be too long for you all~ Please enjoy, and I'm sorry if there are any flaws in my story from here on out.


It was dark. It was cold. It was lonely...

Levi had no idea where he was or how any of this had come. All he could remember was being dragged away, and the eyes of his king staring straight at him before something came over him and he passed out. The blood that pounded hard in his ears, his throat aching in desperation for something wet to clear it.

Even now his body shook, but he wasn't sure whether it was from the cold darkness or if he was just so weak and useless that even his body had stopped functioning. Whatever it was- he wanted to stop it. He wanted to get out of here and he wanted to know how Erwin was. What would happen to him now that he was revealed of who he was...


Levi croaked out in a groggy tone as he blinked his eyes slowly. How long had he been here... maybe he was already dead, and this was his hell that he was placed in. Forever to feel miserable with questions unanswered. His mind went blank and he shut his eyes.

He failed. He had failed to follow the task he was assigned. His people- his people had depended on him, but now... now, who knows what he could do. If he was dead- he failed. If he wasn't, was there really any light to show him a way out? He couldn't think about this anymore.

His eyes shut tighter in an attempt to push it all away, to let himself die in the supposed hell he was starting to believe more and more of- before the sound the loud creak of a metal door. It made his eyes immediately shoot open and his body tense for a moment as a bright light shined through before him. He winced and squinted- he didn't want to shut his eyes.

He hasn't seen the light in so long, he thought that if he so much as blinked he would return to the cold darkness as he tried to lift himself up. The shuffle of feet sounded before him and low muttered as well. "He's awake." One of the voice said. Levi kept starring as hard as he could, his sight adjusting to the blinding light as he made out dark silhouettes of figures standing before him.

"Take off the paralyzing spell, but constrain him first." The familiar voice was heard, and Levi thought hard to try and figure out who it was. Before it hit him- the same man that had brought a hardship over him the past few weeks of his stay at the castle. Nile Dok- the King's Personal royal guard. It all suddenly hit me, and he couldn't help but the weak gaze of hate towards one of the dark figures.

Unsure if it was even him he didn't care. If this was a way out, Levi would leave with them knowing he wasn't all too fond of them. The bars slowly slid and one of the men walked in and started to grab him. Large hands that were warm- moved over his small and weak body- he was turned onto his back. Levi's vision slowly returning more and more he was able to see this man more clearly due to how close he was.

Pensive gaze, facial hair, a strong jaw- this man was big. Bigger than his king. The way his uniform hugged his body was sure to show that this man wasn't someone to play with. Levi felt a metal collar be shut around his neck, a chain hanging from it before his hands were cuffed together, and so were his ankles.

Next was the gag to his mouth, a piece of cloth was forced into Levi's mouth and tied behind his head before a sack was forced over his head. He tried to squirm away from it- he had only just begun to see- he didn't want that to be taken away again. But his body refused, that was until he felt a net thrown over him and suddenly he had control of his body once more.

The cold that was plaguing his limbs had left, and it didn't take long for Levi to remember that he was under a spell as Nile had said when he first walked in. He squirmed within the holds- but even then he was still weak. He couldn't do much as he was lifted over the shoulder of the same strong man while Nile Ordered.

"His trial will begin soon. He's expected in town, and the queen trusts you, Zacharias. Get him down there and secure. Do not have anyone begin without her and his majesty." Nile said while the man that carried Levi let out a light grunt in response with a following "Yes sir." His voice was deep and Levi couldn't help but sigh through his gag. It would be impossible for him to get out of those constraints, especially with this man-hauling and guarding him.

He decided it was best to keep his energy and let this supposed trial come. He wasn't sure what a trial came with, but he was more than certain that it would result in his death if he stuck around for too long. Levi hit against this man's back- he was no longer in the dark but outside of that cell- he could tell from the minimal light that was filtering through the cloth sack over his head.

This had to mean he wasn't dead at least. He heard the occasional march of boots pass him, words always exchanged between the person passing them and the man that Carried Levi. "Good Morning, Captain Sir." Was all they would say while the supposed Captain would grunt in response.

Levi kept aware of his surroundings. From the light dimming into his bag. To the voice echo of the men that would pass- he kept calm till the felt the cold prick of fresh air prick at his body and send shivers all along it, that's when he suddenly realized. That cold air hit all along his body- nothing was keeping it away and he was stripped completely of any clothing. He started to stir at this thought-

He was exposed to this damned world, plus it was cold. He could feel his porcelain skin grow bumpy from it as he continued to move with the net he was being carried in- only to feel the man bump him with his elbow. "Stop." He spoke in his deep tone while Levi simply huffed through his gag.

He felt himself be placed inside of somewhere and suddenly it becoming dark. He figured he was alone now as he heard the sounds of the man's feet walk off. Levi quickly began to struggle and kick hard against the walls he was confined in. He was put in a crate- the sound of the wood was more than obvious as he made sure to push from side to side, and to the top of the chest as well.

Though it was useless, he was probably locked in here. Truly this was an odd trial... that's what thought led through Levi's head before being snapped as the sound of a horse snorting and the sudden jerk of his body against the crate. They were taking him somewhere- unsure of where though he once more decided to go and stay put.

Putting up a fight with this crate in his state was pointless as the sound of hooves hitting against cobblestone echoed out to him. Before the sound of the cobblestone left and it was more like dirt. The talking of people was also starting to filter around Levi as his brows furrowed. "Is that the Captain of the Royal Guards?"

The questions were brought up multiple times for Levi to hear. He figured the one riding the horse and pulling Levi along was the same man that was carrying him. "Mike Zacharias is his name." Some whispered while others gasped in shock. "What's in there?" "What's in that crate" Levi heard the sound of shuffling feet that started following behind them. He gulped hard and made sure to keep still.

Even if it didn't matter- he didn't want people knowing he was in that crate as the muttering continued to flow along the city. People informed of others of the Royal guard hauling something into town. The word spread quickly, and many began to locate and pinpoint Levi and Mike as the sound of speaking was loud- enough to ensure a crowd as Levi shut his eyes tightly with the bag that covered his head.

"What's in there?!" A man cried out while another lady gasped in shock. "A monster?!" She exclaimed while many others gasped in shock from her words. Soon Mike came to a stop before one of the tents. Guards filed all along the perimeter as one of them ran up to salute Mike and help him with the crate that Levi was inside off. The loud and shocked questions of the crowd were being overwashed as they pulled Levi into the tent. He was unsure what was to happen. The loud yells of protest rung in Levi's ears... and he took deep breaths as an attempt to calm down... the words from the men around him started to flush over the crowd's cries.

"Come. The queen is to arrive soon... We must get him ready..."

This Witch will Pay. 

Witchcraft, Eruri (Shingekinokyojin)Where stories live. Discover now