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Authors note:

Hello Everyone, I'm currently typing this in school and I didn't realize I came dressed as Morty from Rick and Morty. God please smite me and send me to fucking hell where I belong I don't' even watch that fucking show yet I have the nerve to cosplay from it without realizing. How dare I. Anyways hello- I'm back to being depressed and please enjoy the fucking story <3


Levi kept his eyes down. After the whole confrontation out in the courtyard. Erwin had ordered his workers to release him. Levi had made no attempt at leaving or escaping, the entire time his eyes stayed glued to his majesty... And His Majesty did the same with Levi. It was almost as if though they were communicating through the eyes of one another. No word was needed to exchange between the two. Erwin knew that whatever Levi's intentions were to protrude into the royal grounds... it had to be good.

Levi was welcomed in, given over to Nanaba personally by King-Smith. His words rang loudly still. 'Take Levi... I expect him clean and fed and sent to a spare room in the castle. All done carefully as well.' His heart pounded at such tenderness the man had shown him, the burning sensation of his hand on his back caressing at him caringly and sending him away was a realization of how kind the king really was.

His tummy was full, and his hair was still damp. Any dirt or smudges that had appeared on his pale skin was gone, his skin now resembling that of porcelain doll as he kept seated on the edge of the bed he was left in. The clothing he was given was clean and extremely soft. He knew his rags he wore before had been disposed of and he wondered... truly the way the king had spoken to him and all of the kind things ordered for Levi would be enough to tell anyone that he was a nice man. A kind-hearted majesty who was only trying to help. But the pricking thought that the king might only be doing this for something righteously selfish was still stinging the back of his head.

Slowly he stood up from the bed. Walking around the expansive and nice looking room. His fingers tracing over the dressers and the walls in complete awe, before walking over to the window that was on the other side of the room. His eyes widened at the sight before him.

The entire kingdom was displayed before him. He could see as far as the walls reached. His hands pushed up against the window to look below and see just how high up he was. Eyes sparkling at such an amazing scenery, never having seen something like this before as he smiled and continued to look out in amazement before the sound of a door disrupted him.

He gasped lightly and turned around to face the door, his heart stopping as his brows furrowed and his facial expression darkened. One completely different from the face he had moments ago as King-Smith offered a gentle and soft smile to Levi. "I apologize. Did I intrude on anything?" He said politely while shutting the door behind him. His blue eyes raked over the small man's figure in curiosity before walking over closer. Levi grunted immediately and stumbling back to get away from the king.

He had to be cautious, he was thrown off in their first encounter, but he had regained his mind. He wasn't about to let this man twist his mind so he could be careless. Seeing this though, Erwin stopped in his tracks. He didn't want to push Levi to far or scare him by any means and instead kept himself in place. "Let's talk, Levi." Erwin said in a calming tone while Levi continued to walk back until he was pressed against the wall. His hands moving to hug his small frame. He didn't say anything though as Erwin continued speaking.

"You realize that passing and trying to break into the royal grounds is something wrong. It's something made out into the entire kingdom not to do, and citizens are only granted access unless a special ceremony is being held or they have been summoned." Erwin said with a matter of fact tone, though he made sure to sound as kind as possible. Levi simply narrowed his eyes to the King. A light growl escaping from his lips as his silver eyes glinted within the gaze of the King.

Erwin blinked in awe at how they sparked and figured that he was only imagining such beauty as he cleared his throat. "You're in no trouble... as long as you give an explanation. No one is going to harm you. I won't let anyone harm you." Those words sunk into Levi, the last ones. How the King wouldn't let anyone harm him.

He felt a lump in his throat, one that he tried desperately to gulped down as he let his gaze slowly shift to the side for a long moment. What was he to say... of course he knew his motive. But he thought to say it now wouldn't be a smart thing to do. He gathered his thoughts within moments before he sighed out and looked back to his highness. "I... Wanted to see If you could help me..."

Levi spoke slowly, his voice a bit groggy as Erwin listened intently. "And May I ask... on what would the help be on?" Levi thought once more quickly. "I... lost my parents to an illness. Since then... I've been alone. I don't want to be alone any longer." Part of his statement reign truth, he really didn't want to be alone. He was sent here with a task- but seeing this man before him. He didn't know exactly what his feelings were appointing now.

"I came to see if the king would offer help to me. A poor, lonely and useless man." He said slowly and dropped his gaze down. Now was the time to play that act. Now more than ever, he slowly tugged down on the robe they had given to him, falling to the grown slowly as he did his best to push hard on his emotions until the tears came from his eyes successfully.

"I beg of your majesty... I understand my intentions are selfish. But I just want a small glimpse of happiness once more. Before I take my leave and rot on the streets." He said slowly before glancing at the king and giving the most pitiful look he could give. Erwin Smith, the tender and loving King he was... did not see through the man's act, And instead felt the pain of what he must be feeling.

"Levi." He said softly, taking this as an opportunity to take slow steps to the kneeled man. Levi looking up and immediately crawling closer to the wall. Erwin's heart wrenched even more, but it didn't stop him this time until he was in front of Levi. Slowly he kneeled, till he was eye level with the grieving man, and gently brought a hand up to cup Levi's face.

Erwin found amazement in this... Almost the whole of Levi's face fit into his hand as his eyes raked over his features. He seemed delicate. Even the simple touch from Erwin's hand could break this man. He... was breathtaking, and his eyes were a whole pinnacle itself. They glinted at the touch- and Levi felt his chest well up with warmth. He started to worry about that though...

He couldn't let him know, let anyone know. At Least not yet. He pushed away his hand reluctantly. His eyes shutting while he hugged himself once more and tried his best to calm himself down. Erwin letting his hand stay in the air for a moment, unsure of how to feel by the way Levi had pushed his hand away. But in the end, he understood and slowly pulled his hand back.

"I'm willing to help Levi." He said while he slowly stood. Offering a hand once more to Levi to help him up as he gently gazed at the male with that soft smile of his. "You've suffered enough. I can't believe how tough it must've been to lose your folks and be isolated for a long while." Erwin spoke with a soft sigh following afterward.  Levi just stared at his hand. Before he took it slowly and felt his majesty pull him up. Levi stumbled to find his footing and accidentally pushed up against the king as he stared up at him in shock.

"I'll care for you... I'll protect you. As King... I know everyone deserves happiness. Including yourself." He let go of Levi's hand as he quickly took a step back. Levi's head dropping to cover the possible blush that had formed across his cheeks while Erwin turned in his step and made his way off. "Get some rest, Levi. I shall come by once more tomorrow."

Levi looked up and stared at his highness, once more grabbing onto the ends of his gown and tugging them down. His eyes followed the royal highness and a small tug on his lip was in session. Such a kind and loving king... it brought Levi to guilt to know that he was only a lie so far in Erwin's life. He was nothing more than a mission... and a part of him hoped that it would stay that way. While the other could only beg that...something more would flourish?

Slowly the door shut and he crawled over to his new bed. His whole body started glowing a bright pink. That alone was enough to remind him why he was here in the first place. He took a sharp breath and whined out for a moment while his whole body glowed Making him shake and drop his head... Before it slowly went away- and he quickly brought the blankets over himself and shut his eyes tightly. He had to start soon...

Enjoy it now while you can Levi.

Witchcraft, Eruri (Shingekinokyojin)Where stories live. Discover now