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Authors Note:

Hello Everyone? How art thou? Good? GREAT! Please enjoy the chapter- I'm sure you've all had enough of my bitching <3 So take some fluff for some compensation.

1 more chapter. Then I'll be taking a break and hopefully write something. Thanks for all the amazing support.

Soft pants where heard. Levi's eyes did their best to stay open as his body was held tightly against his king's Chest Armor. Had this really just happened? Had he just avoided death and his fate, And it was all because of this one man that he thought would never look at Levi the same way since that day? It had to be so. Here he was, running from his kingdom with him in his arms. He wondered why... why would he throw away his royalty and position in order to Save Levi?

It rang loudly in his head as Erwin reached the forest and ran past a few trees. As much as he wanted to say something about it- another part of Levi wanted to keep his mouth shut. He wanted to stay thankful to the thought of Erwin risking his life for him. There were more important tasks at hand now that they were out of the walls, safely, at least for now. "Erwin..."

Levi spoke silently as he looked around the clearing. Once deeper into the forest Erwin had brought himself to a walk as he caught his breath. Not even for a moment did he think to put down Levi as he was looking for something. "Yes, Levi?" He said while glancing down at the smaller male in his arms. Levi's eyes were half-lidded, clearly weakened by the torture that was offered to him as he took a deep breath and tipped his head to the side.

"It hurts..." He simply said silently as Erwin frowned and looked about. "Levi... do you know where we are? Perhaps a stream with water that I could use?" He asked silently. His intent was to clean Levi up and help him feel better as Levi kept his weak gaze on Erwin. His mind rolling as he looked around the area to try and correspond where they might be. His memories right now were the most unreliable, but he had to take a chance. For his king.

"That way. Might be a stream..." He said silently while pointing over weakly. Erwin stepping in that direction as he felt Levi's head drop onto his chest. He was weak and frail... and he felt disappointed in himself for not getting there earlier to save him from the misery he must've been in. His entire back was bleeding and was already coated all over Erwin's Armor. "I need to take you somewhere..." Levi said silently, his eyes still shut and his voice still frail.

"Y-You know I am a witch to you and your people... but what I really a-am is an omeg- Hah!" He started coughing violently in Erwin's Arms. The King's gaze grew with worry as he quickened his steps in hopes to come to the stream soon. "Shh... Levi. Don't' talk. You're in no condition to do so. Stay quiet and calm for now, I'm sure whatever you have to tell me can wait." Erwin reassured, but Levi furrowed his brows in frustration as he coughed out once more.

His back was burning, his body still coated in nasty juices. His cuts and wounds probably infected with the rotted poultry, and he could barely find the stamina to stay up. He didn't want to wait any longer to tell Erwin the truth. He had kept the secret of himself and his people from him for so long already. He felt wrong to keep it for much longer as he took a deep breath and made one last attempt to speak, but rather than forming a sentence at the most- he immediately coughed afterward.

His majesty sighed as he walked a little quicker, stopping in his tracks to try and make out some sort of water source. Hearing the soft sound of water running he turned in that direction and was finally greeted with a rolling stream. Happy to of found it he walked over and gently placed Levi down onto the soft grass and fern. "Don't move okay? I'm going to clean you up." He said silently as he pulled off his armor piece by piece and placed it beside Levi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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