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Authors Note:

I've lost my chapter streak, whereas I would write a chapter every single night just so I could get things done more quickly and have that inspiration still fresh and embedded in my head. But you know I didn't finish a chapter yesterday so I gotta put in a shit ton of effort today to maybe get in two or make this one super long- AT LEAST. It's Thursday, almost Friday- I got this. Please enjoy <3


Levi had been harbored in this castle for about two weeks now. After the day he was caught and brought into the castle, he was made into one of the servants. Believe it or not- being a servant wasn't terrible. Not terrible at all. In Fact, it was luxury to Levi- of course, he had never had this sort of thing around so even as a servant, having duties to fulfill and running about to clean and cook wasn't bad at all.

Every day for the past two weeks it would be a similar routine like the one he had today. He slowly awoke from bed with a yawn, being surrounded by the amazing and fluffy bedding, he found himself having amazing night sleeps in. He yawned once more as he slowly slipped out from the bed and headed to the small bathroom he was able to have for himself in the room.

He would start up the hot bath every morning if anything- this might be his most favorite thing that was part of his routine. He realized how much he loved to be clean, how he loved soaking in the warm water and using the soap to softly massage his scalp and wash out his hair. It was such a relaxing feeling he felt as if though he could fall right back to sleep in the tub. He soaked for a long moment, and soon finished and crawled from the tub. He dried off his pale skin and got dressed into one of the royal servant outfits.

Servant's all had similar outfits- Levi slowly buttoned up the white shirt, making sure to roll up the sleeves along his arms so they wouldn't get in the way, before slipping into the fitted black pants and soon the black boots that came along afterwards... and always- as a final touch for Levi specifically, he had found a laced piece of fabric one day digging through the dressers. He tied it around his neck and presented himself in a cravat, and one that would greatly fit him.

Women wore about the same thing, but rather than buttoned-up shirts and pants- They would wear a plain white lace top and a black long skirt with some flats for shoes. Their hair tied back, a cloth usually wrapped around their head to ensure it completely out of the way while they would work.

Levi sighed out and walked over to his window, looking out at that amazing view he would always find breathtaking of the kingdom he was above of. He knew that one day- and soon- it would be more glorious, and more beautiful. With those walls that blocked his view, he would be able to see far beyond once they were gone.

He exited his room and headed down to the kitchen, where he met with Nanaba and she gave her signature and heartwarming happy smile. "Good morning Levi. I believe you slept well." She said in her soft tone and Levi nodded. Staying quiet as he always would. He wouldn't speak much- in fact, a lot of these servants had yet to hear his voice. He always made sure to keep his mouth shut. A precaution that wasn't needed but was willing to take in order to keep the image he needed to succeed in his mission.

She smiled and gave Levi the written list of his duties he would have to fulfill today by sunset. He bowed once more- offering her his thanks as he read over the list. Dust the antiques in the hall of victory. Trim the hedges from the front and back gardens and clean up any mess left by it. Prepare the Royal Highness's their afternoon tea and biscuits. Clean and hang up the bedding on the line.

Simple enough. Levi folded the note and headed out from the kitchen to get the dusters and cleaning supplies. He walked along the castle, greeted by passing servant on his way to get the stuff before heading to the hallway with all of the ancient artifacts. He was unsure of what each piece meant, other than it was super duper important- and if any of it were to even have a crack, they would more than likely have his head.

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