Hearts On Ice - Jetra

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*Petra's POV*

"C'mon, Jesse!!" I called to my brunette best friend as I rushed to the ice.

"Petra, you know you're three times faster than me, right?"


Jesse laughed. "I wanna say that's cheating, but that wouldn't work."

"Heh heh."

He smirked and playfully rolled his eyes -- those gorgeous emerald green orbs that sparkled in the light. I loved looking at them. Well, not just that. You'll see what I mean.

My black combat boots perfectly aligned with the edge of the ice over the lake. I looked back at Jesse before stepping onto the frosted - over water, seeing him take off his jacket, revealing his white t-shirt, and put it on the ground. "Alright, what do you wanna show me?"

I couldn't wait. I had planned this since the day I realized how I really felt about him, and I was finally going to do it...

"Follow me," I motioned for him to walk out to the center of the ice after me. I got to the middle a few seconds before him.

"Okay, what's next?"

"Climb onto my back."


"I know. Just do it."

I crouched down so Jesse could climb onto my shoulders. Then, I lifted him up. "Now, take this flashlight and then turn it on. Shine it down directly at the ice." I said, taking the cylinder out of my dark blue jean pocket to hand it to my friend.

Jesse clicked it on. "Whoa..."

I looked down at the ice and saw the heart and all the designs I had carved lighting up. It looked amazing under the beam of the flash stick, especially because it was sunset, almost dark out.

"Did you do all of this?"

"I did." I answered.

"Petra, this is beautiful..."

"Thank you. But there's something else I need to tell you about this."

"Alright, go ahead," He replied.

"I didn't just make it for fun. I made all of this for you."

I heard a gasp from three feet above me. "You did?"


"Thank you... This is the most incredible thing anyone's ever done for me."

"Not a problem. You're my best friend. But at the same time, you're so much more, and that's why I did this -- to express how I really feel about you."

"Wait, what --"

I giggled, kneeling down to let Jesse climb off my shoulders, then stood back up.

"What are you saying?" He resumed his sentence.

A smile branched across my mouth. "Ever since the day we met, I knew there was something different about you, and I knew that we would be great friends. But before, I didn't have a clue to what I feel now. At your side is where I will always be. Why? Because I love you."

Two seconds and Jesse was in tears. "I..."

"Hey, don't cry..." I said. I leaned in to hug him.

"Petra, I... I love you too." He admitted, sobbing from happiness. "I wouldn't make it if we never found each other. Every time you get hurt, I know that I'd lose myself if I lost you."

"Jesse... That's so sweet..."

He hugged me even tighter. The position was the same for thirteen seconds. I let go and kissed him on the lips.

I took his hand, ready to drift across the surface of the ice and dance across the pond in a spiral over the designs I made.

"Whoa!!" Jesse called out, laughing. I let out a sound of happiness as well.

At that second, I lifted my arm and spun him around as we drifted across the frosty blue.

Jesse jumped into the air and landed on the ground. Suddenly, I felt ice breaking away under my heels...

*Jesse's POV*

I heard ice beginning to snap underneath Petra's black boots. My instincts threw my arms out a few inches farther to grab her, but she fell before I could do anything!

Next thing I knew, the beautiful redhead was crashing into the water.

"PETRA!" I screamed. Immediately, I dove in after her. Our surroundings were extremely frigid. I didn't care. All that mattered was helping Petra.

She had managed to climb onto another piece of ice and was trying to paddle over to me, but she was shaking so much that she fell back into the hypothermia pool.

I put an arm around her waist, trying to keep at the surface. She was hyperventilating hardcore. I grabbed onto the edge of the lake and pulled her out of the water.

Petra had her hands to her heart. She still could hardly breathe. The sapphire blue tee she had on was clinging to her freezing cold body. Her pale skin looked even more pale than it usually was. I hated seeing her like this. She must have felt total dread at that moment.

I tightened my arms around her. "Oh, c'mere... It's okay, Petra..."

My jacket was still on land while I was rescuing her, so I removed one hand to grab it and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Hey, calm down. I gotcha. You don't have to be scared..."

At a closer glance, I realized that my best friend and true love's eyes had tears pricking in them.

"Don't cry, don't cry..."

Petra whimpered. I pulled her closer. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"No apology needed..." She said through chattering teeth. Her back flopped to the snow. "Uhn..." She shuddered.

"Take it easy." I whispered, stroking the side of her face. "I'll always be here for you. I promise. And I'm never breaking that promise, because you've always been there for me, too."

"You have no idea how much better that makes me feel." Petra rasped, managing to draw on a beautiful smile.

I lifted her from the ground and carried her back to Beacontown.

Yes I know I write way more Jetra than I write Lukesse. Sorry 😂😂😂

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