Kiss Under The Spotlight - Jetra

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*Petra's POV*

This was it. The night that me and Jesse would perform in the talent show. I have to admit, I was really nervous. But more than that, I didn't want Jesse to lose. This was a competition. I had faith in him, I really did. But I loved him more than anything else in the world, and I don't want him to feel bad. That would basically be me dead inside. Though, I know he would be happy if I won, but what if that didn't happen either?

I paced up and down backstage. Jesse was in the corner of the room, sitting on a chair, shaking. "Hey, Jesse, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

"C'mon, what's up?"

Jesse sighed. "Okay, okay. I'm just really nervous. I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for this!! No, for real, what was I thinking?!"

"It was my idea for you to do this. I'm sorry... I didn't know it would freak you out so much!"

"It's not your fault." Jesse said. "But I really don't know if I can do it!"

I sat down next to him and tried to take some of the stress off of him. "You'll do amazing. I believe in you."

"Do you promise that you believe in me?"

"Of course. You're my best friend, Jesse. I'll always believe in you and be there when you need me."

We heard clapping from the front of the stage. I hugged Jesse; that was one of my ways of saying "good luck."

"Thank you so much for encouraging me."

"Not a problem."

From the other side of the curtain, Jesse's name was called. "Jesse Everglade, you're up next! Petra Rose, you're on final performance!"

"Go on, you've got this."

Jesse smiled, nodding as he walked to the stage.

I tiptoed past the curtain after him. I stayed on the wing of the arena, hidden by the curtains so no one could see me. Well, the stagerunner noticed, but she nodded her approval of me watching him.

Jesse took a quiet deep breath. "This is a song that I wrote dedicated to my best friend. She's the reason I found the bravery to do this. I will now sing this in her honor."

Wait, what? I knew his act was singing, but... He had written a song and dedicated it to his best friend-- and I was his only friend... Jesse would actually-- I nearly fainted.

Music began to play, and Jesse breathed into the mic just before starting to sing.

*Jesse's POV*

I could hardly believe this. I was about to, in front of Admin knows how many people, sing a song I had written for Petra!! What had I gotten myself into?!

Stay calm, Jesse.

I started singing.

I always went through life wondering who I was meant to be
So I finally decided to set out
And as I wandered off on this dangerous journey
I must admit that I had my doubts

But I will find myself
I will make it through this world of hell
Though still I feel afraid

Can I do it without you?
Are my instincts telling the truth?
Oh, my heart's been carved from jade

My mind was once a runaway train
But you came along and fixed the rails
Nothing much longer felt the same
And you were my umbrella when it hailed

We'll be brave, we'll be bold
Fight until our skin glows gold
'Cause you saw the warrior under my scars
Oh, this is who we are

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh,

You saw the warrior under my scars
Yeah, this is who we are

You hold me tight like I'm a photograph
Even in the dark times you can make me laugh
I didn't think what my head told me would be true
Let alone that the one behind it all was you

We'll be brave, we'll be bold
Fight until our skin glows gold
'Cause you saw the warrior under my scars
Oh, this is who we are

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh,

You saw the warrior under my scars
Yeah, this is who we are

If you ever go down
I promise I'll be there to catch you
Because you were the first and only one
Who stepped up to lead me through

Take my hand
I'll help you through the flames
Walk the path of love
And we can break the chains

We'll be brave, we'll be bold
Fight until our skin glows gold
'Cause you saw the warrior under my scars
Oh, this is who we are

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh,

You saw the warrior under my scars
Yeah, this is who we are

This is who we are

We're warriors of love
Sent from above
C'mon, just look at all we've become
This is who we are

I took a deep breath. Everyone cheered and clapped, leaving me with no other ideas besides the one telling me to bow. I blushed as I walked offstage, only to see that in the left wing of the curtains... Petra was standing. There was a huge smile on her face. My jaw dropped.

"Petra... Did you hear all of that?!" I asked nervously.

"Yes! Jesse, that was amazing!"

If I was blushing before, now my cheeks were as red as her hair. "I... Thank you..."

"And now, for our final performance of the night, give it up for Petra Rose!"

Petra gasped. She ran to the center of the stage, waving to me.

*Petra's POV*

I couldn't believe everything I just heard. But I couldn't think about that right now; I had to focus on my performance, singing Please Take Me by Beth Crowley.

I opened my mouth to let the words flow out.

(LOL, for this one I'm just putting a music video 😂😂😂 well it is the one song that ACTUALLY has music)

Everyone in the audience applauded. I ran off the stage, my turquoise, bright blue, and sapphire colored dress floating behind me.

When I reached the back, my blue brown - flecked eyes instantly met with Jesse's emerald green ones.

"You said that song was dedicated to your best friend..."

"Yes. That's you."

"Why? Why would you--"

"Petra." Jesse said my name. "Open your eyes. Am I the only one of the two of us who feels this way?"

My mouth fell open in shock. "Do you mean..." I couldn't finish the sentence.

A single tear fell down from Jesse's eyelid, stopping just above his smile. "I can hardly believe I found the courage to say this, but... Petra, I love--"

I already knew what he was going to say. I pulled him to my chest and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too." I said, letting go.

Jesse leaned in and hugged me.

This was the best day of my life.

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