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Okay, so remember that Lukesse story I wrote a little bit ago titled, "I'll Always Be Here"?

If you haven't read it, either skip this chapter, keep reading and be all like wth is she talking about, or go back to read it and then read this.

Okay, the song in that Lukesse story? I have one question: did you like it?

If yes... Oh, you're in for a shocker. You'll never believe who actually wrote it.

You ready for this?


I, Kyla Rose -- writer of Mcsm fanfictions that I dream of actually publishing, middle school student who leads a very crazy life and... Okay, I'll admit it... Loves her friends more than her family (I'm sorry if anyone thinks that's messed up.) With no sense of how to deal with her ANNOYINGASHECK younger brother and has ADHD -- Wrote the song titled "Warrior," featured in "I'll Always Be Here."

I know, you're probably thinking, "NOPE, DON'T BELIEVE IT." but yes, a crazy teenage author girl wrote that song. Not only that, but I'm working on two albums, and starting a band, Blue Mist, with my friends, Jovi and Axel, known in the band as Skylar and Pax... I think that was Axel's band member name XD I forget. But yes, that song was written by me... Hopefully the start of my music career.

I have no further words... Except for a thank you to those who support my work. I wouldn't be where I am without my friends and amazing fans of my stories.

MC: Story Mode Sappy Fanfictionsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें