True Love Beats Anything - Jetra

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*Petra's POV*

I woke up to find my stomach hurting really badly. I shook my head in dismay. My stomach disease was at it again. I needed to get up and take my medication. I tried to get out of my bed, but fell to the floor. Ironically, I fell right on my stomach. "Ouch..." I said through gritted teeth. My chest hurting like hell, I slowly got up from the floor. I grabbed the medicine from the nightstand and took three out, then put them in my mouth.

I had never told anyone about my defunct stomach. There was only one person who I wanted to tell, and that was my best friend, Jesse. Well, okay, I considered him as way more than my best friend. I loved him. With all my heart. But I was too afraid to tell him either of those things.

I set the tube back on the nightstand. I then headed for the door. I was still a bit dizzy. The next thing I knew, my stomach was bashed in by the doorknob!! I screeched in extreme pain, stumbling. My back hit the dark oak wood floor. I felt the most absolutely excruciating pain I had ever felt in my life. My life that I feared was going to soon end.

*Jesse's POV*

I wondered where Petra was. Every single day, she woke up at the exact same time. Even on weekends. She never slept in late. Suddenly, I heard an ear - bursting scream coming from the room down the left hallway. Petra's room.

Oh my god.

As the screams continued, I ran down the hall as fast as I could. The one I loved most in my life - one I thought of as even greater than my closest friend - was in trouble.

I slammed the door open. "PETRA!! What happened?!! Oh my gosh, are you okay?!!"

Petra tried to shake her head, but she would barely budge. She gasped for breath. I knelt down to her side as quick as I possibly could and laid my left hand just on top of her heart, my right hand on her chest. Petra flinched in pain, and I instantly removed my palm.

"Hang on, Petra! I'm calling 911!!" I said in a panic as I dialed for an ambulance. When I finished talking to them, Petra went out cold. "No, no, no! Petra..." There was only one thing I could think of to do for her sake.

Carefully, I partly lifted Petra's shirt to heal the wound I might find there. But I didn't find any cuts... What was there looked much worse. My love's chest was bruise blue, and she appeared dangerously thin. What the hell could have happened to her?!

The medical lab wasn't very far away, and the ambulance sirens were getting louder. I checked Petra's pulse. Her heart was beating really slowly, and it only kept getting worse!! "Please, Petra... I'm here..." I held her hand as tight as I could.

At last, the doctors came. They put her on a hospital cot and carried her into the ambulance. A female African - American doctor walked up to me and asked, "What is your relationship with Petra?"

My lip trembled. "I'm her best friend. But I consider her much more than just that..."

"You can ride in the back with her."

My eyes lit up. "Thank you so much..." I darted into the back after Petra, the woman following behind me.

Hours later...

I paced back and forth with my head in my hands outside the emergency room, worried sick about the one I loved. The doctors kept saying, "She'll be fine," but not once through the window did I see Petra moving. I was so anxious. What if... What if... I broke down. I cried. And I had never cried before. I couldn't take the fact that Petra could be dying. I just wanted to run into her arms, stroke the side of her face, and tell her that I loved her.

Finally, through the door, I heard someone stirring from their unconsciousness. I crossed my fingers. Please be okay, Petra. Please.

This time, the doctor who talked to me had dark hair and eyes with pale skin. "She's awake. You may go in and see her."

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