I'll Always Be Here: Dedicated To Kayla Shenk - Lukesse (Part One)

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*Jesse's POV*

I sat on the bed in my room, wondering what to do. I had just finished writing a chapter of my book.

I thought for a moment, then got up and headed to the canopy - covered area of my room to play the piano. Nobody knew that I could play it, let alone that I had one.

I pulled open the curtain and sat down. I laid my fingers on top of the keys and took a deep breath, ready to play and sing the song I had written. One I wrote about Lukas... The one and only person I'd ever loved.

We're from completely different worlds
But that's not ever gonna stop us
From finding what we know
Is hidden deep inside the rust

Now that you're here my past has unfurled
And we're never going back again
You're not just next to me
You're running through my veins

We know the way through the twisted maze
Layers down into each other's hearts
And absolutely nothing
Will ever keep us apart

I don't know if there's anything I could ever do
If I ever ended up going on without you
I'd be lost in millions of dark corridors
But if we're together we can fight it            We're warriors

Don't care what everyone else will say
We'll always do this our own way
Together we can always be brave
Don't mind if people think we're strange

If you fall, down below is where I'll go
I'll never leave you lost in the shadow
Without you I'm losing grip on the only good that I can ever say I know

I don't know if there's anything I could ever do
If I ever ended up going on without you
I'd be lost in millions of dark corridors
But if we're together we can fight it            We're warriors

Are we the only ones who feel this way?
We keep running but we haven't escaped
Though there's still something deep inside that's telling me that we're not giving up today

There's no one left out here to say that we're insane
And we only have each other to fight this pain
As long as we stick together we'll find our way through the rain

I don't know if there's anything I could ever do
If I ever ended up going on without you
I'd be lost in millions of dark corridors
But if we're together we can fight it            We're warriors

The fate of this battle is left to us
We found what we knew was deep inside the rust

I cross my heart when I say this

I won't ever leave you behind
I'd walk over an abyss for you
We always never stopped hoping
And now the magic's crashing through

We've escaped the corridors
I could swear that we're warriors...

Another sigh escaped me as I finished. I stood up and turned around. My eyes went wide, and my mouth fell open. In my doorway stood Lukas, his blonde hair usually draped down over his eyes now tucked back to see what was happening. His oceanic orbs had erupted from shock.

"Oh my god... Lukas... How much did you hear?"

"I heard the whole thing! Jesse, that was amazing!" Lukas complimented me.

"Thank you... I really don't know what to say..."

"Who wrote that song? I've never heard it before..."

I blushed as red as Petra's armor when it had changed color after being kidnapped by the admin. "You won't believe it if I tell you."

"Come on!"

"...I wrote it..."

"What?!!" Lukas said, seeming quite elated. "Jesse, aren't you proud of yourself? I know I am, that was beautiful!"

"It's really not a big deal --"

"You're just kidding, right?"

My shock broke into a slight smile. "I guess so."

"You should really be proud of yourself. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."

"Really? So do you mind if I tell you why I wrote it?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind."

"Lukas, I wrote that song about you."

Lukas toppled to his knees. "Seriously?"


"I - I'm honored, Jesse. Thank you..."

"Wait, there's something else I wanna say. And I need to say it before the moment passes."

If I hadn't caught his attention before, I definitely did now.


"Look, I... Okay, I just - I wrote that song about you because I love you!"

Lukas went pale. "Jesse... I..." He couldn't finish his sentence. Tears filled his eyes, making the spheres of sapphire twinkle. I spread out my arms. He ran to me and embraced me tightly. Was he trying to say what I thought he was trying to say?

My friend's blonde hair brushed the side of my cheek as he cried into my shoulder. I burst into tears along with him.

"I love you too." Lukas said between sobs.

I held him even tighter. He was saying what I thought he was saying.

After he let go, he told me, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"It's okay. I'll always be here."

More tears escaped Lukas's eyes, and I wiped them away. "Hey, it's alright. How about we go for a walk in the woods? That might help."

Lukas smiled. "Thanks, Jesse."

I took Lukas's hand. We walked out of my bedroom and through the order hall to the woods in the backyard.

We closed the door behind us. I led Lukas into the trees. The dirt and leaves crunched beneath our feet.

Suddenly, I heard something. Lukas and I froze. The swish of a cape rang in our ears.

"Oh, god, what was that?" I asked uneasily.

"I don't know..."

Another noise printed onto the air. My entire body tensed up.

That's when out of nowhere a cloaked figure flicked into our sights. "AAAH!!" I screeched in fear. Lukas gripped my arm, pulling me close so that I would feel safe. My black strands of hair crashed to his blonde, and I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them this would all stop. It didn't. The thing grabbed Lukas, tried to pull him away. "AUGH!" Lukas shouted.

"YAH!!" I yelled, kicking at the strange creature. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!"

The monster obviously didn't listen, and I tried to keep hold of Lukas but ended up failing. "JESSE!!"

"LUKAS!! NO!!" I gasped as he was dragged away. Lukas kept screaming. I tried to keep up with him, but the creature was too fast. My face practically turned into a waterfall. Determination sped through the hallways of my mind. I have to find Lukas.

MC: Story Mode Sappy FanfictionsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora