Hearts And Mermaid Tails - Jetra

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*Petra's POV*

Night was falling over the ocean. I laid on the sand right next to Jesse, my emerald - eyed, beautiful brunette best friend.

The moon highlighted my bright red hair. I turned over to look at Jesse. His brown strands were shining as bright as the waves.

"Hey, wanna go in the water?" I asked him.

"Yeah, let's go!"

We walked down the hill of sand into the water. I splashed into a spot in the cool liquid where the reflection of the moonlight shone. Bubbles rose up from around my legs as they crashed in. I settled the rest of my blue one piece swimsuit into the water along with my teal swimskirt. I realized Jesse's arm was interlocking with mine. I smiled, and he did the same.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp, stinging, extremely hot pain in my legs. "OW!" Jesse let out a gasp. "Petra, what's wrong?!"

I panted, struggling to take a deep breath because of how freaked out I was. "Jesse, something's going on with my legs... They feel like they're burning! Oh my god, it hurts!"

"Try to stay calm, I'll find a way to help you!"

I gritted my teeth in hopes of keeping myself stablized, but instead, I screamed in pain. "Hold on! It's gonna be okay!" Jesse tried to reassure me. He grabbed my hand to attempt at helping me to feel less stressed out.

I then noticed steam rising from the surface of the shore. I saw bursts of black erupting from under the water. That's when I went out cold...

A while later

I woke up to see Jesse's anxious face staring down at me. He was breathing hard with worry. I opened my eyes a bit more, and he sighed in relief. "Petra..."

I tried to sit up, but started coughing. Jesse pressed his hand down on the top of my left arm to keep me from moving any more and possibly causing another whirlwind of sick feelings hitting me. "It's okay, it's okay." Jesse said. I nodded, though my face was still stained with fear. I tilted my head down at my legs.

Which were no longer legs.

I let out a huge gasp. "Oh my god..."

My legs had been binded together into one, and it looked like they had a scale pattern. Not only that, but they were a shade of sapphire blue with hints of gold in a few different areas. It also appeared that it had spread onto my chest, replacing my blue swim outfit.

Had I just turned into a Mermaid?!!

Jesse looked down at my tail. "Oh..." He whispered.

Eventually, I burst into tears. "Why did this have to happen?! Now I'll never walk on land again! How am I supposed to live my life underwater?!" I sobbed.

"Hey, don't cry. It's not the end of the world..." Jesse tried to lift my spirits. I still kept crying. The drops fell into the water surrounding the two of us. "Petra, it's okay." My friend tilted my head up towards him. "I've got you."

Sounds of despair continued to escape my mouth. "C'mere... I know this is a lot to take in right now..." Jesse said, hugging me.

I was still feeling insanely depressed, but at the same time, I was really happy. I hadn't ever said this out loud, but I loved Jesse more than I valued myself. I didn't know what to think for a moment...

Finally, I was the one to speak. "I just...  I don't know how I'll survive down there... And without you..."

I felt Jesse's head lean against mine, which I thought of as a peaceful feeling. "You can swim to the surface. I'll be there."

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