Burning Love - Jetra

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This short story series is dedicated to my friends Kayla and Ellie. Kayla, you are so creative and you never fail to amaze me. Ellie, you are absolutely brilliant and always so kind. If you were dying, I would give you my life if I could. Thank you for being great friends!!

Also, this is basically how I'm making it up to all of you guys for taking forever to make chapter nine of Love And Legends. You can read these while I work on my main story so you won't be bored!! Yay!! Okay I'm done. Thanks for reading :)
This story contains POV Swaps.

*Jesse's POV*

"Petra, are you okay?" I said as the beautiful, light - skinned, blue - and - brown - eyed redhead walked through the ash by my side. Petra was crying.

"Oh, what? Nothing's wrong..." She replied quickly, wiping the tears away.

"Petra, you can tell me anything. I trust you."

Petra swallowed hard. "Okay, fine... I'm scared one - or both - of us might die here."

"Hey..." I told her, "It's alright. You're gonna be okay."

"How do you know?" Petra whimpered.

"Because you're a brave, amazing, strong girl and you've never backed down before."

"When we fought the WitherStorm I backed down. I told you that I couldn't go any farther. I had to stay away from the battlefield. How can what you just said be true?"

"How do you not see what you're doing to yourself by saying that?"

Petra sighed. "Face it, Jesse. I'm not the warrior you think I am."

"Yes, you are. I know you are. And I'm going to prove it."


I didn't want to do it, but I had to show Petra how badly she was lying to herself, especially because I didn't want her to feel so down. Honestly, I kind of... okay, I just absolutely love her. Not even like a crush or anything, I love her with all my heart. I can't stand to see her feel this way!

I leaped into the air and slammed down the "overpowered" - as it said - blaze - spawn egg that I found in a cave. I backed up and looked to Petra. She had a freaked - out expression on her face. She pulled out her golden sword and swung it at the blaze. A fireball erupted from it, and now, it looked like... No. Impossible. Was it multiplying?!

I blinked. Now there were two... No, now four! THIRTEEN?!? They spread out all over the place, and it went to at least thirty living flames about to attack. So that's why it said it was overpowered?! Awesome! Not!! "Augh!! Why did I do that?!" I shrieked in regret.

Petra looked as though she had no time to think. She slashed at them like a hurricane. She had taken down about seven of them when a sphere of embers came launching at her. It hit her directly over her heart. She fell to the gravelly, rocky ground, screaming. My eyes exploded to the size of bowling balls as I rushed to her side. "Oh my god, no!! PETRA!! I'm so sorry!! This is my fault!!"

Petra struggled to gasp for breath. Finally, she emerged, breathing normally. Her eyes grew to the size mine were. "Jesse, LOOK OUT!!"

I backed away quickly so she could stand. A burst of sparks landed right in the palm of her hand. She stared at her fingertips for a few seconds, then spun around to hurl the fire at the mobs. It blew them up the second it hit them. She turned to spiral around for another blow, but I didn't see her hit them. All of a sudden, I toppled to the netherrack, feeling a scorching pain in my stomach. That was the last thing I was aware of before I blacked out.

*Petra's POV*

I had aimed for the Blazes in case there were still some alive, but somehow I lost control. From what it sounded like, I'd guess that it hit the ground. I turned on my heel to see where it went.

Oh, holy shit... NO!! Jesse was laying on the rocky netherrack, eyes closed!! My jaw dropped as I ran to him and knelt down. "Jesse, can you hear me?!! I rushed to find a pulse. Nothing! "Come on, come on!! Please be still alive! I can't lose you!!" I buried my face in his chest. Jesse couldn't be dead! He just couldn't be!

Sorrowfully, I tilted my head towards his. I let out a breath onto his cheek. I thought for a second I felt something beating, but when I pulled away to check, I realized I must have imagined it. Despair flooded through me. I leaned closer to him. "I'm so sorry... This is my fault..."

Jesse laid still for another moment. I tried to fight the guilt, but I couldn't. "I love you, Jesse..." I whispered, leaning closer to him. I kissed him on the lips. I stayed this way for ten seconds. I threw myself into him once more. I couldn't believe he was gone. And it was my fault... It was all my fault.

*Jesse's POV*

I felt the light touch of something on my lips. About seven seconds after, it left my skin. I thought to myself, it has to be Petra. I then sensed Petra's head against my chest. Something caught in my throat, and the area my heart rested began to hurt...

*Petra's POV*

Suddenly, Jesse's neck started to sear under my fingertips. I heard someone gasp. Jesse's eyes were wide open, and he was now coughing like his lungs were burning.

"J-jes-se?" I stuttered. "You're alive?!" Jesse tried to nod, but he choked and gasped instead. He rolled over on his side and stood on his knees, coughing hard. "Oh my gosh, Jesse... It's okay, it's okay!" I rushed myself to keep him calm. I put a hand on his back. I could feel his spinal cord.

At last, Jesse stopped coughing and turned back over to face me. I looked him straight in the eyes. Without hesitation, I hugged him with all of the strength I had in me. "Jesse..." His embrace returned mine, just as strongly as I had done.

"Petra..." he whispered to me. "Oh, Petra, it's okay..." Jesse still gripped my shoulders with a caring force, but now looked up at me. Finally, I broke down and started to cry tears of happiness.

"C'mere," Jesse mouthed softly, holding me tight. "I love you, Petra. I don't ever want anything bad to happen to you..." He pat me on my back with his right hand. Did he know what I had said when he was lying down on the netherrack?

"Please don't cry..." He said. I was now two inches away from his lips.

I felt my eyes sparkle, and they closed lightly. "Oh my gosh, Jesse... I... I love you too."

Jesse smiled, then pulled me closer into a kiss. When he let go of me, I gasped. I cuddled him in my arms. "I love you so much..."

Jesse laid his palm on the back of my neck. "Don't worry, I'm here for you."

"Promise me you'll try to never scare me like that again."

"Petra... Don't you understand now?"


"You are the warrior I knew you were. Don't you see that now?"

My eyelids fluttered. "I... You're right." I replied with a smile.

Jesse's caring touch trickled my back, and we walked out of the area hand in hand. And when we both looked back, we saw remnants of the the fire in the shape of a heart.


More stories will be coming soon!! Thank you for reading!!

- Kyla Rose, A.K.A. PetraPhoenix

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