I'll Always Be Here - Lukesse - Part 2

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*Lukas's POV*

I screamed, the black - covered nightmare pulling me off into the trees, farther and farther from Jesse. The last I saw of her was tears falling from her beautiful, emerald eyes, her midnight hair falling over her face just as I was dragged away.

My golden hair was tugged by something, leaving a sharp pain in the back of my head. "Ow..."

The cloaked figure clicked into my eyes. I then realized he was circling me with -- oh, god. A scythe. He put it to my throat. I heard footsteps through the rocks that I had just realized I was behind. It sounded like Jesse's brown combat boots, but I couldn't be sure.

The point of the weapon went into my skin. I screamed again. "JESSE, HELP!!"

There was a gasp coming from the other side of the huge stones, followed by the footsteps accelerating, as the creep slit deeper into my neck. My eyes went wide. Then, right when I saw Jesse's porcelain - like face and black waves, the sting in my throat got even worse.

That's when, all of a sudden, I blacked out...

*Jesse's POV*

I rushed past the rocks, seeing Lukas's blue orbs open even more than they had ever looked before. The thing that took him -- NOOOO!! That monster was literally killing Lukas!! I gasped in horror as my best friend was knocked out cold. I ran over, tried to grab the gigantic blade from him. I nailed him in the... Arm, I guess... And got hold of the wood positioning the steel piece.

"AAAUGH!!" I yelled, then paused a few times with the words that would follow, "THIS--" I socked him with my other hand, "Is for EXISTING, and THIS--" I finally was able to yank the weapon from him, and prepared myself to hurl it at him, "IS FOR HURTING MY BEST FRIEND!!"

The black nightmare collapsed to the ground, right next to Lukas. I panted heavily. Tears escaped me. Lukas...

I knelt down to his still body. I checked his pulse. He was just barely still alive, and his heartbeat was getting slower every second...

I lifted him up and flipped one palm underneath him. He laid as motionless as stone in my arms. His eyes were closed. Very carefully, though quickly as I possibly could, I carried him back to the order hall through the deep, dark, creepy forest. I brought him into my room and set him on my bed, panicking. I rushed to get the medical kit. At last, I found it in my nightstand drawer. "Please... Stay with me, Lukas..." I started to cry. What if he didn't make it?

I scavenged through the metal box, but there wasn't anything in any of the corners, any of the pockets, any part of the medical kit that could help him. I fell next to him on the bed. "Lukas, please... I need you. Don't give up now. You've never quit on me before. I need you to be the warrior that I know is there."

Lukas didn't respond. I put my hand over his neck once again. He wasn't breathing! I pushed down against the area his heart rested. Nothing happened. "NO!! Lukas, please!! Don't go!"

The beautiful, precious blonde still lay without movement. I buried my face in his chest. I couldn't believe it. He was gone... Lukas was gone...

All of a sudden, I felt his chest lift up.

"Lukas!" I gasped, removing myself from his blood - soaked grey shirt. Lukas copied my previous action, and three hard coughs trailed after. He opened his eyes, and then with a cracked voice mumbled the most tragic yet angelic sound ever. "Jesse."

I hugged him tightly. I heard him choke, and I let go. Finally, he relaxed. His breath seemed normal. I tilted his head slightly, only enough so that I could see the cut and wouldn't hurt him. The wound was really deep, but it didn't completely impale him, which I was grateful for. I sighed. Lukas looked up at me. "Is it bad...?" He asked wearily. His breathing faltered. I carefully traced his neck with my finger, removing the dry blood from around the cut. He shuddered in petrification. "Hey, it's alright..." I reassured him. I stroked his skin. His eyes looked completely haunted. A single tear stained my cheek. Seeing Lukas in such pain... I couldn't bear it. I started crying more than I ever had.

"Jesse, p-please d-don't cry..." Lukas muttered. His eyes twinkled, and one small droplet trickled his eyelid. I lightly wiped it away, still sobbing. "I... Lukas..." The tears started a cascade. One hit Lukas's cut. He shuddered again. I put an arm around him. "Do you feel okay?"

"I - I don't know..."

I examined the stab mark. Oh, geez... Lukas's wound was infected. "He got you pretty bad... It's really deep..."

"I know. I felt it the whole way through..."

I hugged him a second time, then kissed him on the lips. "Don't worry... I'll always be here. I won't ever leave you."

Lukas managed to tear through his sorrow and pull a small beam onto his face. "Thank you."

I nodded. I looked at the cut again. "I don't know what to use to heal you..."

"Wait... Look in your pocket."

I gasped for the millionth time, though this one was from happiness. "Oh my gosh, you're right! I was so worried that I forgot I had this thing!" I reached past my mint green shirt and dove into my light blue jean pocket. I didn't know exactly what it was that was in there -- I just woke up one day and found it outside the order hall. It could heal anything, I swear.

I searched through the options. Only one would work. I had to use a metal tool to get out all the... I don't know what it was. My point? I had to hurt Lukas to heal him.

Screw you, logic!

"Okay, I've got something. But I have to warn you, this might sting..."

"It's okay. Just do it..."

I don't want to describe what happened next. But after all that was done, Lukas was shaking all over. "Lukas, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize. You saved my life."

"No, really--"

"It's okay." Lukas slowly put his arms around my waist. "Look, I love you more than anything else in the world, and if I have to face the worst pain I've ever faced to stay with you, I will."

I smiled. "I'd do the same for you."

For the rest of the night, I held Lukas tightly as we laid on my bed. We watched the sun set and the stars rise through the glass. (I had curtains around my room that were basically the walls. I pulled them back so we could see the sky.) Eventually, the midnight black turned to violet. "Hey, Lukas, do you see that?"

"Yeah. It's really pretty." He paused for a moment. "Not nearly as beautiful as you, though."

I blushed. "Thank you. But you know what? That -- way up there -- that's how much you mean to me."

Lukas blushed, too. "I--"

"You mean the galaxy to me, Lukas." I said. "And if there was only one dream I could choose to come true, it would be to have you here with me no matter what. Forever and always."

Blonde hair collided with raven strands. I sighed. I was happier than ever, just watching the stars with my only love. I never could have been any better. And I felt this way all because Lukas was alive.

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