Chapter Ninteen: Sports Festival

Start from the beginning

     The rest of the class gave the others apologetic looks and followed Ka-Chan to the lockers. I walked in and proceeded to my locker, which was pretty close to Ka-Chan's.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked, talking off my shirt.

He just grunted in response.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked a little louder.

He paused for a moment and said "Obviously, or I wouldn't have done it."

"Really Ka-Chan? I don't see the importance?"

"Yeah, you never fucking do." He mumbled.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Means you never support me!"

"I never support you? Are you serious? Are you fucking serious?!"

"Fuck yeah! You always support the person I argue with!"

"Well if you made valid points, I would support you!"

"And I don't!?"

"No you don't! You just pick fights with anything and anyone!"

"Well I guess you picked up my habit!"

"At least I have a reason!"

"A fucking stupid one!"

"Oh so now I'm stupid?"

"Shit head, you don't even listen to what I say!"

"Oh so now I'm a bad person?"

"Fucking Deku! You never listen, things get twisted in that god damn mind of yours!"

"You really are an asshole! I don't know why I hang out with you!"

"Then don't hang out with me!"




"ITS FUCKING FINE! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" He screamed before storming off to god knows where.

     I stood there fuming, the hell is his problem? I was only trying to get him to see the error of his ways, but noooooo. He attacks me like a mother-fucking shark! Gah, I just wanna, I just wanna dump ice water on his head, dude needs to chill. I grabbed some things in my hand and started to put them away when someone tapped my should.

"Uhhhh, Midoriya-Kun...? We need to leave the locker room and go to the waiting area with the rest of the class."

I turned around with robotic motions, "Fine." I proceeded to drop everything in my hands and walked out.

     I didn't even bother to see the poor sucker, I just walked out. After a few moments, a confused and kinda annoyed Kirushima-Kun walked into the locker room, followed my his 'best friend' Katsuki. I'm so mad right now, I can't even call him Ka-Chan.

I purposely sat close to him just say I can whisper, "Bastard."

He jumped up and grabbed my collar so hard, forcing me to stand up "The hell did you just say?!"

"Nothing." I said with the most convincing poker face.

"I fucking heard it, shitty nerd!"

"Fine, I called you a bastard."

"You really a piece of work!"

"Hmmm really? Tell me more?"

He tightened his grip on my shirt, "Oh I'll tell, I'll fucking tell you everything!"

"Please go on."

"You really just wanna piss people off! You just wanna get under their skin and then-"

I cut him off "You are so hopelessly wrong."

"Let me finish."

"Go for it."

     From the corner of my eye, I could see the rest of the class was getting nervous. I couldn't tell if they were gonna stop us or let it play out.

"You're just jealous, aren't you? Jealous that some people might be more powerful?" He finally stated with an air of confidence.

"No, I'm jealous of people that don't spend so much time with you." I retorted.

"You know what?"


"Fine, I'll let you be. But don't come crying to me when you lose."

"I'm not gonna lose. In fact, I'm gonna beat you. For the first event, I'm gonna beat you."

"Good luck with that, Deku."

"Watch me beat you."

"You're on." He finally let me go, giving me a devilish grin before walking over to Kirishima-Kun.

"Let's place bets!" Kaminari-Kun shouted. Everyone just stared at him. "No?"

"Go for it." I said.

"Yeah, go for it." Katsuki said.

"Alright! Everyone gather round!" Kaminari-Kun said excitedly.

     Eventually, everyone gathered into the center and placed their bets. We weren't aloud to see, so I stood on one side of the room, while Katsuki stood on the other.

Let the games begin....

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