"Let's play Deku!" His voice filled with warm milk and honey. It brushed against my skin like silk. I followed the sound of his laughter, echoing in every inch of my being.

"Come! Catch me!" His red, crimson eyes gaze into mine, they seemed almost, blurry.

I chase him until my legs give out. It was as if the boy was uncatchable, unobtainable. I would always get so close and just skim my fingers across his skin, almost. Then he'd be somewhere far from my grasp all over again. My clothes formed into a second layer of skin as more and more rain poured onto us. The leaves fill with starlight just as my eyes do when I even glance towards his way. I look up and let the raindrops wash away my tears, wash away any pain or suffering left in my body. My surroundings were so unfamiliar and I kept wondering, completely lost of the boy I had been following. In the darkness, I could see a glimmer shining in front of me.

A river.

I sit by the banks, finding the water flowing almost comforting. The city was near, the reflection of the burning yellow luminosity in the river told me so. All alone, I could almost feel his arms wrapping around me. I closed my eyes and felt the embrace, but that wasn't possible right? The embrace felt like a ghost lingering around my waist. The feeling, so painfully realistic, but way too cold to be reality. I open my eyes again trying to find my way, looking around to find him again,

"Silly Deku! You couldn't catch me, so instead, I caught you!" He has found me.

I catch a glimpse of him in the river, a wavering but familiar sight. The rain hitting the water made the picture painted in the water shake and blur, but I could see it so clearly. It was me leaning over to look at the water, with Kacchan hovering over my shoulder, beaming at me. My eyes seem to dry, the moment seems to freeze in time. All I could see was me and him forever and ever. A smile reaches my face, filling every emptiness left in my features. He's so close! He's right here! My Kacchan, he came to find me. Of course, he would. He's finally home. 

"Welcome home Kacchan! I've been waiting for so lon-," I turned to be greeted with nothing but tree trunks and darkness. 

Where did he go? He was just here a second ago, how did he disappear into the night sky? The trees once holding the shimmering leaves, seemed barren. I looked up to the streets of the city, they were empty. My eyes quickly darts back to the water, and it's empty again, just like the city. The river was just a river. There was no beautifully bittersweet ruby eyes. No kind soft features that I could only recall from a distant memories, memories that are beginning to slip from my mind as time goes by. No blond spiky hair with wind rippling through the surprisingly softness of it. Had I really been living in my own fantasy that occurs in my head?

This time my eye catches onto a flash of green and blond. I see children dashing around the trees, chanting the same phrases I heard not so much earlier. 

"Let's play Deku!" The taller one chanted, the blond one. My eyes trailed after them, watching as my recollection of past events folded out before my eyes. It seemed so real, almost if I could touch them, feel Kacchan's silky skin, before our quirks manifested.

"Come! Catch me Kacchan!" the boy with green hair spoke, a younger version of me spoke.

The two boys let the rain fall on them as they laughed and screamed with happiness. They careen through low hanging branches and entwine themselves within the fabrications of a future they thought they would create together. We promised we would be friends forever didn't we Kacchan? It's getting hard for me to differentiate if it has only been in my head or if you just don't remember. 

"They seem so peaceful, don't they?" He appeared back at my side again, watching the kids with me, watching us. 

"You're not really here are you, Kacchan?" His silhouette stayed quiet, his eyes pierced into the air that was in front of us. Of course, he wasn't there. I was alone in a forest, imagining the love of my life standing with me. I was talking to myself and not to him.

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